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Started by Camel, September 03, 2003, 01:23 AM

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A while ago I was taking a look at a war3 0x26 packet, and noticed that the client requested "clan\name." I was wondering if anybody knew wheather or not there are any other clan\ keys other than name, such as clan statistics or whatnot. Just curious. :)

[edit] The clan domain appears to be unused and read-only, unlike the unrestricted profile domain (except for profile\age). Discuss.

Soul Taker

Back when War3 first came out, I noticed this because when you viewed profiles with War3 it actually had "Clan name:" as a label in the profile.  But if disassemble the executeable, you'll see it only check profile\location, profile\description, and clan\name.  So if there are any other new fields, they would have to make a patch for War3 to see them.


This makes me wonder if all the bot developers are helping themselves by writing unknown packets and data to their log?  Do you give yourself an indicator so you know there's a packet you haven't handled?  Just curious.  For some of the newer bot developers, this might be a concept they haven't thought of doing.  It shouldn't be a surprise that there are packets you're not handling, for they should be found in your logs.

Soul Taker

My bot notifies/logs unhandled packets that it recieves, but in this case we are talking about a packet sent by the client.  I don't really see how your bot could send a packet it doesn't know about.