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Started by TriCk, September 06, 2003, 11:56 PM

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Hey Ppl
I was wondering what other Latency's are attainable for VB6 Winsocks...

For 0ms its
For -1ms its

Any others i should know about ?

Soul Taker

What in the hell are you talking about?


Im talking about the Packets you send to battle.net to connect with a spoofed ping, such as 0ms and -1ms ...


you just blew my mind


Can Anyone help me :s


How does 0x06 help you get -1 ms? You get -1 by not sending 0x25, and zero by sending it in early.

"Ping" is the time in miliseconds battle.net calculates between when it sends 0x25 and when it parses the client's 0x25. It cannot be spoofed -- "ping" is a misnomer.


to get -1ms

1 Step- Dont Respond to packet &H25

to get 0ms

2 steps

step1 -Right After You Send packet &h50
do this

dim P as new packetbuffer
P.InsertDWORD &H0
   P.SendPacket &H25

Step 2-  Dont Respond to packet &H25

there you go enjoy.