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Forum Guidelines -- Suggestions

Started by Hazard, September 03, 2003, 10:32 AM

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Perhaps the forum guidelines should be slightly updated due to the flow of a certain new breed of programmers. I wonder what the regulars and moderators of this forum would think of adding a few of the following guidelines to the current list?

-Accurate spelling and punctuation should be used, this will make posts easier to decipher.
-The "Search" button should be used before an inquiry, this will prevent those nice enough to help you from having to re-hash old stuff, or find the thread for you.
-Format your posts adequately, trying not to bunch all of your questions/ideas into on a single paragraph. Rather, seperate them. This will make reading the questions/suggestions less of a challange and will make the posts easier to respond to.

I assume the regulars have some more intelligent suggestions. Have at it.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Quote from: Hazard on September 03, 2003, 10:32 AM
-Accurate spelling and punctuation should be used, this will make posts easier to decipher.
-Format your posts adequately, trying not to bunch all of your questions/ideas into on a single paragraph. Rather, seperate them. This will make reading the questions/suggestions less of a challange and will make the posts easier to respond to.

Those ones should be manadatory on the entire forum. :P


What a great idea!  Let's also start reminding people to breathe, to blink their eyes once in awhile, and to connect to the internet before trying to view the forums!

-- Some things shouldn't have to be said --
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I can see you lot like to take the piss out of everyone!


1. Allways be nice to everyone on forum even if there can not spell or do things the way you do there is more people in the world then just you.

2. Object of this forum is to share information about bot development to me that means everything to do with battle.net bots not just asking questions on how to make a bot.

Allso I give this forum a welcome rate of " 1 out of 10 " as I dont feel welcome to it, I only register last night and I dont think I be using this forum agen after this post because the people on here dont care there just take the piss out of others.


Notice this is a clan forum, and you aren't a member of the clan.  The atmosphere here isn't targetted towards newbies, or even new members, and that's the way preferred by people who count.  

Also, you spelled "Allways" wrong.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on September 03, 2003, 12:55 PM
-- Some things shouldn't have to be said --

I'd be the first to agree with you. It SHOULDN'T have to be said but, in my humble opinion, that doesn't change the fact it NEEDS to be said.


"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Quote from: AllianceBot on September 03, 2003, 01:27 PM
there just take the piss out of others.

How do you guys do that? Manually?


Quote from: iago on September 03, 2003, 01:49 PMAlso, you spelled "Allways" wrong.

You forgot to mention that he spelled the following words wrong: they (x2), are, has, also, registered, [[will,] and again. The brackets around "will" indicate that the word was omitted entirely.


Quote from: Camel on September 03, 2003, 08:57 PM
Quote from: iago on September 03, 2003, 01:49 PMAlso, you spelled "Allways" wrong.

You forgot to mention that he spelled the following words wrong: they (x2), are, has, also, registered, [[will,] and again. The brackets around "will" indicate that the word was omitted entirely.
How did you figgure that out? ::)
Eibro of Yeti Lovers.


Quote from: Camel on September 03, 2003, 08:57 PM
Quote from: iago on September 03, 2003, 01:49 PMAlso, you spelled "Allways" wrong.

You forgot to mention that he spelled the following words wrong: they (x2), are, has, also, registered, [[will,] and again. The brackets around "will" indicate that the word was omitted entirely.

I didn't feel I needed to point out all of his mistakes, I thought one was sufficient.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV: