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about iconviewer

Started by Killa, August 24, 2003, 02:13 PM

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i was trying to add some icons to a .bni file but can't get it to work,i make a image 28x14x256 with .tga extension in PSP then try to put it into the .bni file but it says invalid icon file?


Quote from: Killa on August 24, 2003, 02:13 PM
i was trying to add some icons to a .bni file but can't get it to work,i make a image 28x14x256 with .tga extension in PSP then try to put it into the .bni file but it says invalid icon file?
From the ReadMe included:
QuoteAfter you've modified the image strip
to your liking, save it as a run-lengh encoded (RLE) 24-bit or 32-bit true color TGA
.  To load the new image strip into the editor, use the Import button to select the
image strip TGA file.

It sounds like you're specifying an invalid color depth.
There could be other things wrong too, though -- the image you're associating with the .bni must have exactly the right dimensions for the number of icons.


should it be compressed or uncompressed?

btw is this ok ?


<just copy and paste link into internet explorer>


Quote from: Killa on August 24, 2003, 03:43 PM
should it be compressed or uncompressed?

btw is this ok ?


<just copy and paste link into internet explorer>
It should be compressed with Run-Length Encoding.
The program will tell you if you've specified an invalid TGA; it won't let you write a .bni which nothing can read.