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Typical vL arrogance, but....

Started by iago, August 16, 2003, 01:59 AM

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can Grok/Thing or one of the admins create a vL only forum?  One that only we can read/write on?  Also, a vL-write/everybody-read forum would be nice for discussions that, while other people can read them, only vL can post on?

fyi, I got the idea right here:
Quote from: Grok on August 15, 2003, 09:49 PM
Attitudes like c0oL's are why vL exists, and why people think vL members are arrogant.  Among other reasons, the clan was created with the selfish intention that certain people could have somewhere to get some peace, while discussing and doing the things that they enjoy.  Things that 99% of battle.net cannot do or understand.

Peace from the have-nots clamoring for reasons why they should have without doing themselves.  Peace from incessant reasoning about how those who are creating things are really hurting others by not giving away their creations.  Peace from all the questions, the begging, the whining, and just annoying attitudes.

It's so easy to criticize, so easy to tear down, and takes no real effort to rip apart someone else.  What earns respect is creation, which to do well takes not just "creativite thought" but the passion, motivation, perseverance, and sometimes intelligence to see a project through to completion.

Most times this takes a will to do it by onesself, because we have found that during creation, nobody cares but the creator.  After something is created though, lots of people are willing to "share it with the community".
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I've always thought that would be a splendid idea. It would also server to post private news - there have been several occasions during my membership when that would have been very useful.


I agree with the Canadian and the British guy.
