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Help understanding this!

Started by ThatOldFalcon, July 22, 2003, 07:59 AM

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Alright, I read the stuff spht wrote about hashes, and I read the packet buffer thing and I got started working on this...

pBuf.InsertDWORD 0
pBuf.InsertDWORD 0
pBuf.InsertDWORD 0
pBuf.InsertDWORD 0
pBuf.InsertDWORD 0
pBuf.InsertNTString "CX"
pBuf.InsertNTString "CX"
pBuf.SendPacket &H1E
pBuf.InsertNonNTString "68X1RATS"
pBuf.InsertDWORD "C7"
pBuf.InsertDWORD 0
pBuf.SendPacket &H6

would that be what you send when the socket connects to bnet? And does bnet respond with the same thing (0x6)?


Quote from: Adron on July 22, 2003, 08:36 AM
And btw, if you show us some progress, you're likely to get a lot of help. For now, you're classified as "lots of ideas, lots of talk, but will there be anything once he realizes it's a lot of work?". Noone wants to spend a lot of time helping you unless you're spending really lots of time yourself. You're supposed to be doing the major part of the work, not people on the forum.


I've been trying a lot, but I just need to know if I have the form right so I don't fuck up everything else.

I just need to know if thats how you would assemble the packet...

Soul Taker

It would be much simpler to just send the packet(s) and answer your question on your own.


Is there anyway I can tell what packet gets sent back, or if I am sending the packet right?


If the server responds back, it's a valid packet. If not, it's invalid and will result in an IPban for some time.  When playing around with packets, test them on Europe or Asia ;)


lol ok thanks UserLoser
luckily there are 3 gateways I dont use to test on lol


YAY I sent that packet and Im not Ipbanned so I must have done it right...
YAYAYAYA lol thanks guys


Saying thanks with no +1 [toast]... :'(