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Started by Crystal Meth, July 24, 2003, 08:59 PM

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Crystal Meth

 Just comming to introduce my self. I run http://www.diablo3k.net. Ive been around here for a long time, but just havent registered. I used to talk to Artemis Entrari' (anyone know where hes at? Or a way to contact him?)

Lately ive been working on ways to integrate diablo2 statistics and a php driven website. Im currently trying to figur eout a way for the ladder to strea live on a web site (im working on another realm aside from b,net called ICB www.icbrealm.tk). If anyone would like to get in on it you can check out the post at d3k here:

I also go by the name Menekali now, i know Delphi, Visual Basic, php xml syndication, cgi, perl, obviously html, and some other languages.

If anyone is interested in getting in on that idea at the d3k thread, please do post there. I probably garentee none of you have heard of me, but ive been around for a while. Other that nothing else really to say, ill be hanging around a bit now.
