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Command help

Started by blinkdude, July 19, 2003, 02:45 AM

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i saw some code on this but using a textbox as the  "username " for the master... i want to use a listview for multipul people to do the command ... i need help on the code,  they had it

If Username = lstusers.txt

i need it to run off a list view any help ? x.O :)

If Username = lstusers.ListItems Then
If Left((LCase(Message)), 11) = (Form2.txttriger.Text & "disconnect") Then
End If
End If
<Total-Assault@Azeroth> WTF IS THIS CLAN A BUNCH OF NERDS?
<Yoni[vL]@Azeroth> Yes.
<Grok> Yes.
<[vL]Kp> You sound surprised.
<Total-Assault> at least they admit it



dim i as integer
Dim TempUser as string
for i = 1 to lstusers.ListItems.Count
tempuser = lstusers.ListItems(i).text
if lcase(username) = lcase(tempuser) then
msgbox Wow they " = "
next i