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WarCraft III v1.24

Started by l2k-Shadow, August 04, 2009, 03:24 PM

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WarCraft III v1.24
Verbyte: 0x18 (24)
Change log:


- Added new JASS hash table functions to replace the lost functionality from
fixing unsafe type casting.
- Hash Table - Save Item Handle
- Hash Table - Save Unit Handle
- ...
- Hash Table - Load Item Handle
- Hash Table - Load Unit Handle
- ...
- Hash Table - Get Handle ID


- Fixed an exploit related to unsafe type casting that allowed users to
execute arbitrary code in maps.
- Fixed the JASS unsafe type casting exploit ("return bug").
- Fixed several World Editor crashes.

NOTE: Warden is currently disabled on both WarCraft III and StarCraft. I'm assuming this is because they're patching the offsets for the new war3 version... Let's hope they're not patching warden altogether.
Quote from: replaced on November 04, 2006, 11:54 AM
I dunno wat it means, someone tell me whats ix86 and pmac?
Can someone send me a working bot source (with bnls support) to my email?  Then help me copy and paste it to my bot? ;D
Já jsem byl určenej abych tady žil,
Dával si ovar, křen a k tomu pivo pil.
Tam by ses povídaj jak prase v žitě měl,
Já nechci před nikym sednout si na prdel.

Já nejsem z USA, já nejsem z USA, já vážně nejsem z USA... a snad se proto na mě nezloběj.