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Independence Day?

Started by Spht, July 04, 2003, 07:31 AM

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What is Independence Day?


It's the day American finally became a true and independant nation, and we celebrate it because the Americans of old fought very hard and valiantly to have America become independant, and their struggle and labor were finally repaid. We celebrate all that they have done for our country, and we celebrate our country as a whole. It's like the USA's birthday. :)


I thought it was the anniversery of when the USA backstabbed its parent country..
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


No iago, you thought wrong.


QuoteI thought it was the anniversery of when the USA backstabbed its parent country..

Or perhaps the day that the USA shrugged off the harness of its opressive monarchist dictators.


Nah, Canada never felt the need to do that and it worked out pretty well for us!
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


And Canada was founded *when* again?  Different times, my friend.  Apples and oranges.


That is why we don't have the face of some other countries monarch on our coins. We deny the right of some other country to rule us.
This is why we are the strongest nation in the world, because unlike some other countries we stand up for freedom.

Canadians should be ashamed because one half of their country speaks French and the other English. Because the Canadians were such wimps they tend to be jealous of the rich history and heritage of their greater neighbor the United States. Canada plays no significant role in the world so shut up.


Quote from: Invert on July 05, 2003, 07:25 PM
Canadians should be ashamed because one half of their country speaks French and the other English.

How is having 2 national languages shameful?


Quote from: Invert on July 05, 2003, 07:25 PM
That is why we don't have the face of some other countries monarch on our coins. We deny the right of some other country to rule us.
This is why we are the strongest nation in the world, because unlike some other countries we stand up for freedom.

You're correct.  Apparently this is a difficult concept to grasp for citizens of other nations.  Take the "World Court" as evidence.  The United States refuses to agree to deliver US servicemen and citizens to this court or recognize its jurisdiction.  That's a matter of self-rule and local rule, the primary concepts on which this country was founded.

Invert, as far as standing up for freedom, while the Patriot Act has gone a long way to erode our rights to self determination through invasion of personal liberties, that will soon be corrected.  Already 3 states and 130 cities have passed laws forbidding compliance with the Patriot Act, and businesses are purging their records so that they are unable to comply if the feds come knocking.

As a people we will not agree to be ruled by any authority which we did not ourselves elect.  A few years ago a US serviceman was courts martialed because he would not wear a United Nations uniform or insignia on his American uniform.  The case was eventually dropped against him when it was publicized and a great many people came to his defense.  He took an oath to protect and defend the United States of America, as an American serviceman, not as a member of the United Nations.  He had a real problem with serving under a government which he did not have a part in electing.  I agree.


Quote from: Invert on July 05, 2003, 07:25 PM
That is why we don't have the face of some other countries monarch on our coins. We deny the right of some other country to rule us.
This is why we are the strongest nation in the world, because unlike some other countries we stand up for freedom.

Did you just say that the only reason for the war with England for Independence was to get an American on your coinage? :-P
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV: