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While At Work

Started by Yegg, April 16, 2009, 11:19 PM

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What sort of stupid shit do you guys do while at work?



http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h240/Tyranize/IMG_0286.jpg   ---- there was an employee who stole cigarettes from anther employee so we set a trap

I'll get some more eventually, or as worthwhile ones take place.



Our General Manager had some special games with balloons. One of our employees found some donut-type balloons. So we tied two balloons through one and put a face on it for the Friday night teen night stuff. I thought it was pretty funny. It certainly added a small amount of unnoticeable flare to the night lol

Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



Heh, nice.

I wish I had some pictures that someone took while at my previous job. Two of our managers wore costumes one day around Halloween. They had wigs, police hats, fake huge butt's with thongs that had one strap loose, bras on, and a number of other details. It was pretty funny.

I figured I'd add this too. A couple years ago while at my telemarketing job, I managed to cut part of a call out by recording with my cell phone (which wasn't the easiest of tasks). So here's a clip from a call:


At the start of this clip he's finishing saying "I don't have any money".

Edit: There were a few things he said before this so it was hard not to laugh. Not to mention, my goofy boss was right behind me smiling the whole way through; that was him laughing.



Quote from: Tazo on April 17, 2009, 10:25 PM
i work while at work

Being assistant supervisor has its advantages. Like the pictures I posted. Despite the fact everything was made by co-workers (ie. like those mini KKK guys). I just took the pic. :)