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handling 0x3E fail.. any help ?

Started by fataly, January 09, 2009, 08:15 AM

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ahaa, im stupid :D didnt even regonize that ! now its working and i learned little more about mids. i have read whole day my code and functions on ms netsite, but I DIDNT SAW THAT =P maybe time to get glasses--> Btw thanks Again ( x1025 ) :F


im again (x1026) on troubles, i have now tried almost 4 hours to fix my code:
there is the prob, im sure.:

Private Sub Winsock2_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim strTemp As String
Call Winsock2.GetData(strTemp, vbString, bytesTotal)
'here must be the defiened place where are headers etc.. ?
Call parsemcp2(strTemp)
End Sub

Im sure this is right : ( or im almost sure , because its call mcp0x01 etc..)

Private Sub parsemcp(ByRef data As String)
Dim PacketID As String
    PacketID = Asc(Mid(data, 3, 1))

Select Case PacketID
Case &H1:           Call modBNET.MCPhandle0x01(data)
Case &H19:          Call modBNET.MCPhandle0x19(data)
Case Else
ShowChat vbRed, "Unparsed Packet: 0x" & Hex(PacketID) & GetLog(data)
End Select
End Sub
Forgot that, im sure that is correct. I got right data on 0x01 and my handle of 0x19 just suxx, thats is my next mission. / and if some want, i can take tips :)
Edit 03:52 -->
0A 00 07 46 61 74 61 6C 79 64  ...Fatalyd

Then disconnect???

Ok now i can log with character (uswest)and join channel, i can talk and other things etc... But if i try logon europe, i get disconnect after joining channel ??? and now if i try log uswest again, i got dissconnect ??? wierd random dissconnects :F


Ok, so if i connect normaly without "homechannel" i get in bnet. But if i use "homechannel" when i connect there is 97% change to get Connection closed. And this connection closed happends 15% change without "homechannel"  where  is the prob? it just a that battle.net ?:D