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SID_ADDLEAGUE (0x4E) info/ideas needed

Started by Ringo, May 01, 2008, 10:42 AM

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So, im trying to add WCG to my server with 0x4E (made the send id name up btw)
But since 0x4E format has changed slightly since i last poked at it, I cant seem to get the effect I once had.

Heres what I have already:

    '(BYTE)     Flag - (0x01 seems to only be effective here)
    '(BYTE)     Unknown - 0x03, seens constant with flag 0x01
    '(STRING)   League Name (IE: Melee, Greed etc)
    '(STRING)   Penalty Caption (IE: Teams: Time:)
    '(STRING)   League URL
    '(STRING)   League Tag
    '(DWORD)    Unknown - seems to do nothing
    '(VOID[27]) Game type settings (defines the settings of the game)
    '(BYTE)     Game Type
    '(BYTE)     Leauge ID
    '(WORD)     Penalty 1 (selected index?)
    '(DWORD)    Penalty 2 (selected value?)
    '(BYTE)     Game Class
                '1 = Standard
                '3 = Greed
                '4 = Capture the flag
                '5 = Sudden Death
                '6 = Slaughter
                '7 = One on One
    '(BYTE) Unknown - 0x01 (0x00 for UMS and ladder)
    '(BYTE) Unknown - 0x02 (always)
    '(BYTE) Unknown - 0x02 (0x00 for UMS)
    '(BYTE) Unknown - 0x00 (0x01 for UMS) -- Use map triggers?
    '(BYTE) Unknown - somthing to do with computers?
                '0x00 = all others
                '0x01 = tvb, 1v1, team melee, team ffa
                '0x03 = melee, ffa, ums
    '(BYTE) Unknown - allieing enabled???
                '0x00 = ffa, 1v1, ladder, capture flag, Slaughter, team ffa, team capture flag
                '0x01 = tvb, melee, ums, greed, sudden death, team melee
    '(BYTE) Number of teams (discludes tvb, since its 2 team defalt)
    '(BYTE) Unknown - 0x01 (always)
    '(BYTE) Map icon/requirements?
                '0 = stats code 0
                '1 = stats code 1 (ladder) -> must have 10 melee wins+ladder map
                '2 = stats code 3 (iron man)
                '3 = stats code 5 (wcg?)
                '4 = stats code 0
                '5 = stats code 0
    '(DWORD) resorces/time etc (used in greed and slaughter)
    '(DWORD) Unknown - 0x32 (0x00 for UMS) - if 0, dont calculate end game result (Ie "Draw")?

The league ID byte, can be seen in S>C 0x09, C>S 0x1C and the stats string of the game stats (in 0x1C/0x09) and the clients chat stats string>
Example, for the map stats ,44,14,6,2,e,1,1,f8514c6a,4,,


And for the clients stat string PXES 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 PXES

Client 1-Rating 1-Rank 0-Wins Spawn LeagueID 1-RatingHigh 3-Rating 3-Rank LeagueClient

The Map icon/requirements define the stats code/type used, commonly seen in the profile keys.

2-IronMan Or 1-Ladder
4-WCG Or 1-Ladder

These stat codes can also be seen in C>S 0x1C and S>C 0x2C (as well as UDP command 0, H>C 0x0F)

Anyway, what im trying to do, is create a game type which has 2 teams (like a TvB type) for a 2v2/3v3/4v4 ladder.
What I cant seem to figger out, is how to disable allieing once ingame (so somone from team A cant allie people in team B and vise verser)
And how to add multiple items to the penalty combo box -- pretty sure I was able to do this with the older 0x4E, which is no longer used for 1.15.

Im mainly wundering if anyone has poked around with the latest 0x4E and figgerd out how to add multiple values/captions to the penalty combo box.
Im able to add just 1 value to it, via the Penalty2 value in the game settings data, but other than that, no luck.

Any ideas?
thanks in advance