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Out of all my time on Battle.net..

Started by vuther.de, June 19, 2007, 01:47 PM

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I have never encountered this:

[2:43:01 PM] Connecting to the server uswest.battle.net
[2:43:01 PM] Connected to the BNRHS server.
[2:43:22 PM] BNET ERROR: The attempt to connect timed out [ 10060 ]
[2:43:22 PM] Disconnected from Battle.net.

When I got home, it said I had been IPBanned from Battle.net and I was disconnected.

I can connect to Europe & Asia fine, just not USWest & USEast. Everyone I asked said they can connect just fine.

I don't know if this is Battle.net's new way of banning people for hacking on SC, or something..

Packet Log:
1  Øë  35  Sendto 
0000  12 FD 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 75 73 77    .............usw
0010  65 73 74 06 62 61 74 74 6C 65 03 6E 65 74 00 00    est.battle.net..
0020  01 00 01                                           ...

EDIT: Somehow after talking to Denial, it magically worked. Odd?


Im currently banned on USWest, Asia, and Europe. Been banned for almost a week now. All I did was send a few bad packets. :-P


Quote from: inner.de on June 19, 2007, 01:47 PM

EDIT: Somehow after talking to Denial, it magically worked. Odd?

Please don't give Dave an ego boost.  I'm sure he'll be claiming he lifted some sort of ban using his rep account.  LOL