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bnls 0x0f

Started by solidsnake, June 23, 2003, 05:38 PM

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Can someone tell me how the checksum is created?
I know that I have to send 07 00 0F  followed by the 32 bit checksum.
I know the checksum is calculated by doing a 32 bit CRC on the appended string.  And I know that the string is the client (bnls account) password and the receivefd server code.  However, I do now know how that string is created.  Is the server code sent in a hashstring(base16) or in a DWORD(base10) format.  Do I append the servercode in msb or lsb order?  How is the server code appended to the client password?  Thank you in advance for any helpful feedback.


Um....the data in 0x0f (BNLS_AUTHORIZEPROOF) is the hash received from 0x53 (SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGON).  If you're using BNLS there is no need to calculate this...
