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Weird FireFox Crashing

Started by KrewL RaiN, March 23, 2007, 08:08 PM

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KrewL RaiN

Ever since it auto updated, it can randomly crash when I am typing up a post. Its a slim chance but its really weird. My guess its linked to the spellchecker feature cause it hates my spammz0rz lol. Anyone else that uses FireFox have this weirdness?


Have you tried turning spellcheck off for a couple days?
- Stealth
Author of StealthBot


No problems here, but then again, I don't make many spelling errors, and I add some words the dictionary doesn't know... such as CheckRevision, Lockdown, etc... Also, are you letting the error reporter do its job?

KrewL RaiN

Wow I know how to crash it now, Its when I spam Ooo x a zillion more o's or any combo like that. Something is choaking on something.



Hmmm.... maybe its when the page is loading still...

Weird, tried on a different forum and didn't trigger it again. Can try spellcheck off for a few days (gg my spelling even more) to see if that is the problem or not.

EDIT again: I closed and reopened FF and crashed it with spellchecker off. Used Oooo spam again. Can only do it with a fresh start up of FF (testing again to conferm this) DIE ENTER KEY, be a nice FF and let me post, wow holy hax xD This is friken weeeeird. Guessing I should contact the FF people about this one =/