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Started by Grok, June 13, 2003, 03:36 AM

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possible idea for YaBB:  add a checkbox to the 'move this topic' form to allow counting of how many topics a member has had moved.

some people just can't be bothered to change forums to the appropriate one before posting.   by having a count, they could be identified easier.


Can be abused (i.e. by moving a thread back and forth without posting a move note)


While we're on the topic of chaning stuff, it might be a good idea to let people moderate their own threads (lock, delete threads, and remove posts mainly).  That'll help get rid of flaming.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on June 13, 2003, 07:52 AM
While we're on the topic of chaning stuff, it might be a good idea to let people moderate their own threads (lock, delete threads, and remove posts mainly).  That'll help get rid of flaming.
I disagree, at least in part.  While lock may be useful (if the forum forcefully posts a note to the effect of "Post locked by original poster", so we don't get blamed for things we didn't do :)), I'd shy away from letting ordinary users decide to spontaneously delete their own threads just because they don't like the content anymore.  What happens if a good and informative discussion gets going in the thread of a petty poster who decides to blow it all away?  Also, post removal could be abused in a similar fashion (it'd just be slower).
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


Although that's true, I think the merits would outweight the... bad stuffs.  There's a lot of threads that go down in a flame war that could probably be prevented by deleting one or two key posts.

I guess this is just a way to make up for the "apathy" of moderators.  We don't really care if somebody else's thread goes down in flames, but somebody might care more about their own thread.  There's a couple spots on botdev where I would have liked to be able to moderate my own thread, which is what created the thought :)

(ps. I think that original posters can already delete their own thread, by deleting their original post.  I'm not positive, though, and will check.

Edit - ok, you can't, it throws an error at you.  You used to be able to, though, honest! :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on June 13, 2003, 05:58 PM
I guess this is just a way to make up for the "apathy" of moderators.  We don't really care if somebody else's thread goes down in flames, but somebody might care more about their own thread. There's a couple spots on botdev where I would have liked to be able to moderate my own thread, which is what created the thought :)

I try to remove any off-topic posts on the boards that I moderate. If you find off-topic posts on a forum I moderate, point them out to me and I'll move/remove them.

Botdev isn't one of my forums though, so you'll have to go to someone else when a thread there is going down in flames.