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Class Action Lawsuit

Started by Invert, November 30, 2006, 12:38 PM

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Class action lawsuits amongst many other things are ruining my country. Here is a story I found on Fox News today where a woman is suing Kraft Foods, Inc. for not having enough avocado in their guacamole dip. She is quoted in the article saying "It just didn't taste avocadoey". This woman is personally seeking damages for this.

I am all for keeping companies honest but I am very much against blatantly robbing a company because of this. In my opinion, class action lawyers are one of the worst kind of human garbage on this planet - they are plane crooks is suits. Should I be afraid to fart around people now because one  person might sue me for farting, another person might sue me for my fart being smelly and another might sue me for my fart not smelling strong enough that he could not smell it and felt left out?

Here is the article: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,233318,00.html


You're posting about two issues here, one is a possibly meritless trivial lawsuit, and the other is class-action lawsuits in general.  It seems you care more about the latter and using the former as either an example of the class-action lawsuits evil, or proof of it.

I don't see how whether this particular complaint is an individual action or a class action adds to any furor you have over class actions in general.  To me, I see class actions as a great thing for companies.  Can you imagine the harm a company would face if they had to reply to 15 million individual lawsuits when a product they produced in a defective manner caused harm to that many people?  Much better that the plaintiffs and defendents can go to court all at once and not 15 million times.

How is that ruining your country?


I was posting this story as an example of how people will find anything to sue a company over. Some class action lawyer is going to get a good chunk of money from this and the people who are part of this class action might not receive much, all while putting a big dent into the companies business. How can these class action lawsuits be good for my country and its businesses? What I am talking about are the costs associated with frivolous lawsuits. For example one way the frivolous lawsuits ruin my country is by making health care less affordable.

I agree with you about the good of class actions.


This is perhaps not realistic, but hopefully if the courts keep laughing these cases out of the building, people will stop bringing them.

One day.