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Re: Another moderation bot...

Started by benzocaine, July 26, 2006, 01:41 PM

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I got a question. I made my bot and shit. so anywayz, I got it to like make a new profile and like load a profile in the config, but i dont understand how to load more than 1 bot at a time, can someone go into more detail for me please?   :D Thanks


vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy


I know that, but then how would I load them?  ???


Will you could do

Globally declare
dim i as integer

form_load sub
Load Winsock(1)
Load Winsock(2)
Load Winsock(3)
Load Winsock(4536)
Load Winsock(4537)
Load Winsock(4538)


command1_click sub
'Launch Profile

i = i + 1
load winsock(i)

end sub

Connect_click sub

winsock(i).connect Serverhere, port

end sub

something like that, should give you the jist of things ;) 
oh and remember the "bring down the i's" so the winsock knows which index its sending down, ya know wat i mean?

like um

winsock_connect(i as integer) 'we have connected

'connect stuff here

end sub

that sorta thing
mhm that should help you out...sorry bout the not so nicey code :P

vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy


ok, i came out with this

Private Sub submnuconnect_Click()
    ConnectStartTick = GetTickCount
    Call Connect("Shimmy")
End Sub

Thats for my connect, so i just keep doing diff command buttons for the ones i want to load?