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Good joke I recently heard...

Started by Dumb_Canadian, June 21, 2003, 05:20 PM

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 An Iraqi division commander is leading his men when he hears a shout in American English from behind a hill to his front, "One US Army Ranger is the equal of ten Iraqi soldiers!"

 Perturbed, the Iraqi general summons his 10 best men and orders them to assault over the hill. As the crest the hill, gunfire breaks out and continues for a few minutes, and then falls silent. Again, the American voice comes from the other side of the hill, "One US Army Ranger is the equal of one-hundred Iraqi soldiers!"

 This time, getting really angry, the Iraqi general orders 100 of his best men to assault over the hill. Again, the sound of fighting comes from behind the hill, but falls silent after a couple of minutes. Then, from the other side of the hill, the American voice says, "One US Army Ranger is the equal of one-thousand Iraqi soldiers!"

 Now beside himself, the general hysterically assembles his best 1,000 remaining men and orders them to assault. The sounds of a huge battle ring out from behind the hill. The din of battle continues on for almost an hour, before a badly wounded Iraqi soldier drags himself back over the hill.

 The general, furious, demands to know why the soldier has retired.

 "Don't send any more men, sir," the soldier replies, "it's a trap - there are two of them!"