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Started by Joe[x86], February 02, 2006, 07:08 AM

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What goes in all these fields? The following warrant's an IPBan:

        Case "/gamelist"
            With PBuffer
                If UBound(Splt) < 1 Then
                    .InsertWORD 0
                    Select Case LCase(Splt(1))
                        Case "meele":           .InsertWORD &H2
                        Case "ffa":             .InsertWORD &H3
                        Case "1v1":             .InsertWORD &H4
                        Case "ctf":             .InsertWORD &H5
                        Case "greed":           .InsertWORD &H6
                        Case "slaughter":       .InsertWORD &H7
                        Case "sudden death":    .InsertWORD &H8
                        Case "ladder":          .InsertWORD &H9
                        Case "ironman":         .InsertWORD &H10
                        Case "ums":             .InsertWORD &HA
                        Case "team meele":      .InsertWORD &HB
                        Case "team ffa":        .InsertWORD &HC
                        Case "team ctf":        .InsertWORD &HD
                        Case "tvb":             .InsertWORD &HF
                        Case Else:              .InsertWORD 0
                    End Select
                End If
                .InsertWORD 0
                .InsertDWORD 0
                .InsertDWORD 0
                .InsertDWORD 0
                .InsertDWORD 100
                .InsertNTString ""
                .InsertNTString ""
                .InsertNTString ""
                .SendBNCSPacket &H9
            End With
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.


Hmm, the only reall things i can see that your doing wrong, is the list type thingy (0x30 for showall or 0x1F for other) and maybe the stats code (if its used in 0x09 list requests, i forget) and 1 DWORD to many :P

Try somthing like this:

        Case "/gamelist"
            With PBuffer
                Dim G As Long, L As Long, S As Long
                S = &H0
                If UBound(Splt) < 1 Then
                    G = &H0'show all
                    Select Case LCase(Splt(1))
                        Case "show all":     G = &H0
                        Case "meele":        G = &H2
                        Case "ffa":          G = &H3
                        Case "1v1":          G = &H4
                        Case "ctf":          G = &H5
                        Case "greed":        G = &H6
                        Case "slaughter":    G = &H7
                        Case "sudden death": G = &H8
                        Case "ladder":       G = &H9:  S = &H1
                        Case "ironman":      G = &H10: S = &H3
                        Case "ums":          G = &HA
                        Case "team meele":   G = &HB
                        Case "team ffa":     G = &HC
                        Case "team ctf":     G = &HD
                        Case "tvb":          G = &HF
                        Case Else:           G = &H0'show all
                    End Select
                End If
                If G = 0 Then L = &H30 Else L = &H1F
                .InsertDWORD G 'Game type & 0x00 penalty
                .InsertDWORD L 'List type?
                .InsertDWORD S 'Stats code
                .InsertDWORD 20 'show 20 games max
                .InsertNTString ""
                .InsertNTString ""
                .InsertNTString ""
                .SendBNCSPacket &H9
            End With

Hope this helps


Thanks! I'm at school right now, but I'll test that out when I get home. I should have a copy of JBBE with me at all times, but eh, outgoing ports are blocked other than 80 and perhaps 81.
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.


[MyndFyre] Suffice it to say, it worked.[/MyndFyre]

Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.