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wanted: LinuxChat 2.0 and the big picture!

Started by Zoruglu, May 15, 2003, 07:11 PM

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I found LinuxChat 1.4.0 (old bot) at SourceFourge, written in perl... The project seems dead...
Then I found Linuxchat 2.0 there, that logs in as a player, not as a bot.
But several files are missing, like hashdata.pm (a module that I presume does something with the hashfiles?), and probably others that I don't know of...

I've started studying the code, and am stuck on the missing files... So I'm rather stuck in learning how a connection to bnet is done :(

Does anybody amongst you have a FULL linuxchat 2.0 stored there somewhere? That would help me enourmously!!!

Also, I've been browsing every imaginable tutorials and info's returned by google and on valhalla-and-links... but I found nowhere a tutorial for dummies, the one that tells the full story so you understand the big picture, if you know what I mean :D

Does somebody know a good starting position?


Banana fanna fo fanna

This, folks, is a prime example of the proper way to ask a question. Thus, I am happy to help you!

Battle.net has three different connection types, binary, bnftp, and chat. You pick how you want to connect by the first byte you send (1,2, or 3).

I'd suggest making a chat bot, and then moving on to a binary bot. If you have a tiny bit of knowledge of disk I/O and string parsing (being a perl programmer I assume you do ;)), it isn't too difficult making a CHAT bot. Figuring out the protocol isn't too bad, either. Telnet useast.battle.net, port 6112. Send Ctrl+C and follow what b.net sends back to you. There is also some src on pscode and perhaps botdev.valhallalegends.com.

Binary bots are a bit harder, so I suggest making a chatbot, get the feel of things, and then attempt to make one.

Hope this helps.


-1 to storm for being posessed by daemons

Banana fanna fo fanna


Thx Storm, you have understood my problem ;)

Yes i know how to do disk I/O and yes, I've been using regexes for almost 3 years for parsing urls, restricting and converting incomming user data, converting html to not allow it to modify layout of webpages, etc...

The result was a program generating a website where the data is stored in MySQL called BuilderBot  8)

<enabling boast modus>I master perl pretty good</disabling boast modus>, it's just that the whole bnet thing is completely new to me, and I'll have to dig through it, just as I did with CGI programming once ;)

So I'll take your advice as a good one, and start with a chat bot...

btw: Sorry that I only reply now: I had a lot of work but now, I'm free again ;)

Bye and thx!