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Starcraft UDP

Started by Maddox, May 21, 2003, 12:33 AM

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Actually, I'm using Starcraft Shareware because I don't have Starcraft installed but I assume they are identical.

Can anyone add or clarify information about the UDP packets sent between starcraft clients?

I believe the first DWORD, if non-zero is information sent to the battle.net server. Otherwise, the data will be sent to another client.

I'm not exactly sure what the rest of the data is, the 2nd DWORD seems it might be a sort of checksum.

This is from a log while hosting a game. If someone could pick apart this packet in detail, it would be most appreciated.

Received length 30
0000  00 00 00 00 79 AD 1A 00 02 00 02 00 00 07 FF 00    ....y...........
0010  32 33 34 36 37 34 37 00 52 48 53 53 00 00          2346747.RHSS..


I've never done anything with the Starcraft UDP packets, but just from a first glance:

The Byte/Word at offset 0x06 looks like it's the length of the packet minus 4 (maybe the first "zero" Dword?)

The data starting at offset 0x10 looks like it's a string.... "2346747".. does this value have any meaning to you?

The Dword at offset 0x18 is your product Dword (SSHR)

The last two trailing bytes could either be NULL terminators for 2 further possible strings, places to hold something else, or just padding, though that would seem unlikely.

It would help a lot if you could say WHEN during the hosting process you actually received the packet.... and also what that string means.. is it username, game name, map, or what?

Did you have other people in the game at the time, and if so, how many?

Also, examples of other packets sent/received immediately before and after this one might be a useful reference.


Edit: After some consideration, I would hazard a guess that the word at offset 0x04 is a checksum of some kind, but I could be very wrong. :P