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chat flood timings

Started by aton, November 16, 2005, 03:41 PM

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does anyone know the _exact_ time values that a bot(or a normal starcraft user) has to stick to that he does not flood.
if i send 1 line every 2,5 seconds, it seems okay, but thats really slow.

are there any rules like max 5 lines every 7 seconds or smth like that?


I dont think you can get away with more than 150 messages every 10mins (600 seconds) in the long run


Some flood protection code written by Adron in C:

/* If this returns non-zero, delay that many milliseconds
   before trying again. If this returns zero, send your
unsigned long RequiredDelay(unsigned long bytes)
    static unsigned long lasttick = 0;    // time (ms) of last call to function
    static unsigned long sentbytes = 0;   // number of outstanding bytes
    const unsigned long perpacket = 200;  // extra bytes per packet
    const unsigned long msperbyte = 10;   // milliseconds per byte
    const unsigned long maxbytes = 600;   // max bytes outstanding
    unsigned long tick = GetTickCount();
    if(lasttick - tick > sentbytes * msperbyte)
        sentbytes = 0;
        sentbytes -= (lasttick-tick) / msperbyte;
    lasttick = tick;
    if(sentbytes + perpacket + bytes > maxbytes)
        return (sentbytes + perpacket + bytes - maxbytes) * msperbyte;
    sentbytes += perpacket + bytes;
    return 0;


That code seems like it would not be thread-safe or safe for multiple connection instances.
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


This works in Java pretty well, although it'll take a little debugging.  It's based on Adron's idea of costs and credits and stuff:

    /** Note on implementation: This will assume that all previous packets have already been sent.  Don't call this multiple
     * time in a row and hope to get a good result! */
    public long getDelay(String text, Object data)
        if(out.getLocalSettingDefault(getName(), "prevent flooding", "true").equals("false"))
            return 0;
        boolean debug               = true;
        int packetCost              = 250;
        int byteCost                = 15;
        int byteOverThresholdCost   = 20;
        int thresholdBytes          = 65;
        int maxCredits              = 800;
        int creditRate              = 10;
        // Add the credits for the elapsed time
        if(credits < maxCredits)
            credits += (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastSent) / creditRate;
            if(credits > maxCredits)
                    out.systemMessage(DEBUG, "Maximum anti-flood credits reached (" + maxCredits + ")");
                credits = maxCredits;
        lastSent = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // Get the packet's "cost"
        int thisByteDelay = byteCost;
        if(text.length() > thresholdBytes)
            byteCost = byteOverThresholdCost;

        int thisPacketCost = packetCost + (thisByteDelay * text.length());

            out.systemMessage(DEBUG, "Cost for this packet = " + thisPacketCost);

        // Check how long this packet will have to wait
        int requiredDelay = 0;
        // If we can't "afford" the packet, figure out how much time we'll have to wait
        if(credits < 0)
            requiredDelay = -credits * creditRate;
//        if(thisPacketCost > credits)
//            requiredDelay = -((credits - thisPacketCost) * thisByteDelay);
        // Deduct this packet from the credits
        credits -= thisPacketCost;
            out.systemMessage(DEBUG, "Remaining credits: " + credits + "; Delay: " + requiredDelay);

        return requiredDelay;

This'll make an interesting test for broken AV: