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More nasty glitches on bnet. -.-

Started by Tazo, November 13, 2005, 08:00 PM

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Two screenshots of someone crafting packets to drop my bot.. wtf?!


He said he could drop my bot, if it was opped, so I opped it and walla he drops it..wtf? the zds1 picture, he said he was going to do it. the zds2, im not sure what that packet is, it doesnt even have FF infront of it..idk check it out


Yeah sombody also said this when the channel glitch ops was out maybe if enough people start to abuse it blizzard will get around to patching it.


Looks like your bot is just dropping the connection if it receives an unknown packet?


No, because it receives the newer friends list packets and doesnt drop.


I found some code on this some time ago:

      (DWORD) *Static counter/cookie
      (DWORD) Random token
      (DWORD) Amount of users being invited
      (BYTE) Amout of users being invited (again?)
      (STRING[]) Usernames

      With PBuffer
         .InsertDWORD &H1
         .InsertDWORD &H9999999
         .InsertDWORD &H1
         .InsertBYTE &H3
         .InsertNTString varCommand
         .InsertNTString varCommand
         .InsertNTString varCommand
         .SendPacket &H61
      End With

BnetDocs has no info on this, but I'm presuming its a stat update or clan-related.


What does that have to do with anything? The packet in the SS is 0x63


Second packet is (presumably) a fragment. I used to be friends with Punk, and he uses that method.


That glitch is for hiding, not dropping.
Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.



Wow...this is SUCH an OLD bug in zDS not battle.net. I believe LoRd[nK] found it first and implemented it in Nefarious Chat a long time ago. Divine knew of it as well and he even told me about it. Bascially when zDS can't interpet that packet it will disconnect. So basically you can drop up to 3 zDS bots and keep doing it until they get IPBanned from battle.net. It's hardly a "glitch" in battle.net.