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Started by TheMinistered, May 16, 2003, 02:54 PM

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I have tried porting BnetAuth using straight visual basic... I came up with some messy hacks (solutions).  They, however, were very slow and non-effeciant.  I highly disrecommend using a full visual basic BnetAuth.

I have tried porting BnetAuth using a hack to allow assembly in visual basic (a method using class modules) This method works.. and much faster!  However, it reduces readability and is a very bad solution in itself!  I highly disrecommend this too!

I have decided it is much easier to just use a assembly and/or c++ dll to do all this for you if you plan on using visual basic.  

If you know another language, then I recommend avoiding visual basic @ all costs -- thank you!

[Edit (Advertisement)]  If you have to use visual basic and don't want to use any libraries then I _highly_ recommend you research/look into BNLS


all you really would need to do, in theory, to speed up the process in vb is figgure out a way to:
1) _stop_ the overflow checks (remove vb runtime's control from the variables entirely)
2) there is no spoon (or in this case, number two)