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Started by Denial, November 10, 2003, 12:17 AM

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wow ive never introduced myself

Age: 18
State: Greenland - aka Washington state
Level of education: College freshmen
Mood: Bored

I like computers what else is there to know

SpaceBalls is a cool movie

My intrests are: Computers, Testing new things, Watching Movies, Snowboarding, ping pong. Games?

I like long walks on the beach - blah blah blah

it all started when my mom met my dad in texas they went to college there some stupid college name i cant remember. Well anyway my dad joined the army and married my mom. They got moved to alaska and they lived there for a few years. my brother was born ( James). Then they moved to Italy. 4 years later my other brother was born ( Robert) then 2 years later i was born. We stayed in italy for 6 months after i was born then moved to Flordia. We had a fun time there until my dad got transfered again and we moved to washington state on some post. My dad got transfered to germany but we didnt go but we moved off the post. my dad was gone for 2 years then he moved to turkey and was there for a year finally he came back home and a few years later he retired. I went to elementry school first then the state changed a rule and all 6th graders had to go to middle school which means 1 year we got jipped recess time. then i went to college which was pretty fun as always everything was based around sports. Now i go to college im working for a degree im going to transfer to another college one i like. im going to major in law and minor in special effects for movies i like both. I don't think i want to go into anything heavy like programming games or anything i like testing them. That brings it to present day im sitting here finally introducing myself to everyone. Ah yes i came on b-net a long time ago yes i did war with "bots" it was kinda fun now i have a clan called Fa - Fallen Arms we call it the flying apples. its located in channel op W@R on the useast server the site is www.fallenarms.com this forum is more active then ours cause alot of members dont care for forums. that's another story though.

Anyway i dunno what else to tell me im not gonna tell my description because it's useless because this isnt like a dating service or anything like that got any questions find me
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea


You went to college twice?


Quote from: Denial on November 10, 2003, 12:17 AM
6th graders had to go to middle school which means 1 year we got jipped recess time.

:P LOL ;D ;D


well i took running start in highschool which were college/ highschool credits while you were in highschool then when i graduated i went to college so right now im technally my first real year of college then in 2 years i plan on moving to another better college the one i want to go to for what i want to major in right now im just getting all the required classes out of the way like math english blah blah blah
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea