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Wow...this floodbot situation.

Started by A z t e c, December 16, 2002, 04:36 PM

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A z t e c

This Floodbot bullshit is getting dumb. It's a new channel every week. When are these moron's going to stop this asinine crap.


Probably as soon as they try to attack vL and end up with their cd-keys banned :-D


Banning them isn't so difficult. If you need help contact me via AIM: Unkn0wn Pr0phecy. I'd be more than happy to help you.


prophet your one of the kids who loaded on vl with this "floodbot" why do you think they will even ask for help from you? it might work on clans who download trojans and stuff but it wont work on any major clan no one is going to load or give you opz.

---- bored before christmas boring -----

I live to Die
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea


I didn't see any text relating to giving him ops or asking to download something from him, he's simply trying to help, and should'nt be flamed off the board because of some lamers opinion.


Argh... Lord,

Denial is just trying to warn you that prophet will try to have you download something from him -- but it will be a trojan... DUH!


Shut up :-X, all of you. No one is asking for help with any flood bots, they do not bother any vL members since most of vL members have them filtered with a nice filter system on BinaryChat.

Just because these little kids try to annoy us does not mean they are succeeding at it. Flood bots are the lamest way to annoy someone since you can just turn the join/part notification off and if they spam you can squelch them even if you do not have a filter system like on the BinaryChat.

The lamers that put the flood bots into our channel should realize that we don't care. We have nothing to lose from having them in our channel for 1-2 hours on the other hand they could lose some CD-Keys and get their IP's banned.



<- same clan as pr0phet
<- seen "Fuckin` Bot" (A bot with the protection in it) in action.


The bots are in Clan RoyalCouncil now, and they'll probably make it their home for a while. I'm not sure how the bot owners see this as an 'attack' on a channel anyways. Mass rejoining... turn off join / leave verifications -- and spamming text? Message filtering. I think they'll get bored soon and move on once again.

I realize that is pretty well what Sky said, so maybe an 'I agree' would have been better. But overall what i'm saying is that this bot won't get the owners anywhere in the short/long run, nor will it will not affect clans that have a head on their shoulders.


What did Sky say Assassin?