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Don't you just love Microsoft?

Started by Arta, May 08, 2003, 01:57 PM

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From Bugtraq:

Hotmail & Passport (.NET Accounts) Vulnerability

There is a very serious and stupid vulnerability or badcoding in Hotmail / Passport's (.NET Accounts)

I tried sending emails several times to Hotmail / Passport contact addresses, but always met with the NLP bots.

I guess I don't need to go in details of how cruical and important Hotmail / Passport's .NET Account passport is to anyone.

You name it and they have it, E-Commerce, Credit Card processing, Personal Emails, Privacy Issues, Corporate Espionage, maybe stalkers and what not.

It is so simple that it is funny.

All you got to do is hit the following in your browser:

https://register.passport.net/emailpwdreset.srf?lc=1033&[email protected]&id=&cb=&[email protected]&rst=1

And you'll get an email on [email protected] asking you to click on a url something like this:


>From that url, you can reset the password and I don't think I need to say anything more about it.

Vulnerability / Flaw discovered : 12th April 2003
Vendor / Owner notified : Yes (as far as emailing them more than 10 times is concerned)

Apparently Microsoft have disabled their password reset page now...  ::)


Microsoft often forcereleases products before they've been thoroughly checked and bugproofed, and will probably never learn until a few hundred thousand Microsoft customers lose their email/creditcard/home loan passwords and numbers. Let's see them patch that up.