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Who took the cookies?

Started by iago, March 03, 2003, 05:58 AM

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Kyle, Stan, and Cartman were rounded up yesterday, because one of them was suspected of having grabbed a few too many cookies from the cookie jar. The three friends made the following statements under very intensive questioning:
    * Kyle: I'm innocent
    * Stan: I'm innocent
    * Cartman: Stan is the guilty one
If only one of these statements was true, who took the cookies, and why?
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Only one of the statements is true. There are 3 possibilities:

1) Kyle = true, Stan = false, Cartman = false.
In this possibility there is an internal contradiction because Stan (who doesn't speak the truth) says he is innocent (therefore he's guilty), but Cartman isn't speaking the truth therefore Stan isn't guilty.

2) Kyle = false, Stan = false, Cartman = true.
In this possibility there is also an internal contradiction - Stan lies and therefore he's guilty, and Cartman speaks the truth and therefore Stan is guilty. But then Kyle also lies, so he's guilty instead of Stan.

3) Kyle = false, Stan = true, Cartman = false.
Stan speaks the truth, thus he isn't guilty.
Kyle lies, therefore he's guilty.
Cartman lies, therefore Stan isn't guilty (Kyle is).

Solution: Kyle's guilty. (Damn Jew!)

Btw, the riddle makes no sense because Cartman, not knowing who the thief is, would blame Kyle, not Stan. And even if he did know who the thief was, he wouldn't cover for Kyle! Don't you watch South Park?!


My original answer was actually, "Cartman, because he's a fatass," but then the logic doesnt' make sense, therefore the conclusion should really be that the premise is wrong.  Then I did what you did, and got the same answer.

But failing that, it was, obviously, a completely arbitrary choice of names.  I have no idea where this question came from, my friend (Eibro, as it turns out) wanted me to figure it out for him.  It looked like fun, so here it is :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Kyle and Cartman took the cookies together. That's the reason Cartman tried to put the blame on Stan.


That IS the logical answer! :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


think stan's statement is true
cuz if it is then cartman's statement: stan is the guilty one would be false, but that doesnt mean that cartman is not innocent, so kyle took more cookies.



Its been over 2 years!
Mitosis: Haha, Im great arent I!
hismajesty[yL]: No