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Found the text display function...

Started by Don Cullen, July 01, 2005, 03:14 PM

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Don Cullen

Took me a while to locate it. Now I've found it, I'm not quite sure as to how to call it from within vb.

TextFunction :

0047AC4E   E8 AD37FFFF      CALL starcraf.0046E400

ECX and EDI hold pointers to Text.

Any ideas on how I can use it, without resorting to DLL injection?


Don't wonder why people suddenly are hostile when you treat them the way they shouldn't be- it's called 'Mutual Respect'.


[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!

Don Cullen


Don't wonder why people suddenly are hostile when you treat them the way they shouldn't be- it's called 'Mutual Respect'.


It's doubtful that EDI is used after the function is called.  ECX and EDX would be where you want to look.

Incidentally, is this for 1.12 or 1.13?  If it's for 1.13, then you were pretty fast :P
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:

Don Cullen

1.13, and I was following a tutorial- I simply disregarded the offsets the tutorial gave, and went by comparing the asm code with the code I found. That's how I got this far, in spite of the patch. Even if the offsets change, the code barely changed for that section, so that helped.

My question is, how would I go about calling that function?

Don't wonder why people suddenly are hostile when you treat them the way they shouldn't be- it's called 'Mutual Respect'.


Quote from: effect on March 09, 2006, 11:52 PM
Islam is a steaming pile of fucking dog shit. Everything about it is flawed, anybody who believes in it is a terrorist, if you disagree with me, then im sorry your wrong.

Quote from: Rule on May 07, 2006, 01:30 PM
Why don't you stop being American and start acting like a decent human?