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[VB .Net] Hashing

Started by l)ragon, May 02, 2010, 07:00 PM

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'Credits: MyndFyre, iago, Adron, yobguls, l)ragon
'Extended Credits: Maddox, RealityRipple, Yegg
'06-01-10, ---------------, Added latest edit of the 26 decode.
'05-25-10,    [BrokenSHA1], I guess VB still fails at math, problem (not) fixed random overflowing, tempfix remove integer overflow checking.
'05-19-10,           [NLS], Conversion of MSBNCSUTIL SRP class ">Not Tested<" (See second post)
'05-16-10, ---------------, Minor adjustments to the entire namespace.
'05-16-10, ---------------, Added RealityRipple/Yegg re-written Decoders.
'05-15-10, [ver-ix86-#-CV], Checkrevision in next code section working however need to clean it a little still.
'05-07-10,    [BrokenSHA1], Complete.
'05-06-10,      [Decode16], squashed some of the upper portion of the code, as well as the final loop.
'05-05-10,      [Decode26], CDKey Decode complete.
'05-04-10,      [Decode26], Thank warz, i got lazy and stripped my poor conversion from a few years ago.
'-------------------------- http://forum.valhallalegends.com/index.php?topic=12538.0
'05-03-10,      [Decode26], No its not complete yet.
'05-03-10,      [Decode16], CDKey Decode
'05-02-10,      [Decode13], CDKey Decode
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.Numerics 'Note you need to add referance to the Numerics dll

Namespace HashData

   Public Class CDKeys
#Region "Fields"
       Public key, decoded_key As String
       Private key2() As Char
       Public product, val1, val2 As UInt32
       Private w3Val2(9) As Byte
       Private hash() As Byte
       Private valid As Boolean
       Private isKey_26 As Boolean
#End Region

#Region "Class Propertys."
       Public ReadOnly Property ProductKey As Byte()
               Return BitConverter.GetBytes(product)
           End Get
       End Property
       Public ReadOnly Property Value1 As Byte()
               Return BitConverter.GetBytes(val1)
           End Get
       End Property
       Public ReadOnly Property Value2 As Byte()
               If isKey_26 Then
                   Return w3Val2
                   Return BitConverter.GetBytes(val2)
               End If
           End Get
       End Property
#End Region

#Region "Constants"
#Region "Starcraft"
       Private SC_KEYLEN As Integer = 13
#End Region
#Region "Warcraft II, Diablo II, Diablo II:Lords of Destruction"
       Private WC2_KEYLEN As Integer = 16
       Private D2_KEYLEN As Integer = 16
       Private LOD_KEYLEN As Integer = 16
#End Region
#Region "Warcraft III, Warcraft III:Frozen Throne, (NEW)Starcraft [Classic]"
       Private W3_KEYLEN As Integer = 26
       Private W3_BUFLEN As UInteger = (W3_KEYLEN * 2)
#End Region
#End Region

#Region "Char Maps"
#Region "Warcraft III, Warcraft III:Frozen Throne, (NEW)Starcraft [Classic]"
       Private ReadOnly TRANSLATEMAP()() As Byte = { _
           New Byte() {&H9, &H4, &H7, &HF, &HD, &HA, &H3, &HB, &H1, &H2, &HC, &H8, &H6, &HE, &H5, &H0},
           New Byte() {&H9, &HB, &H5, &H4, &H8, &HF, &H1, &HE, &H7, &H0, &H3, &H2, &HA, &H6, &HD, &HC},
           New Byte() {&HC, &HE, &H1, &H4, &H9, &HF, &HA, &HB, &HD, &H6, &H0, &H8, &H7, &H2, &H5, &H3},
           New Byte() {&HB, &H2, &H5, &HE, &HD, &H3, &H9, &H0, &H1, &HF, &H7, &HC, &HA, &H6, &H4, &H8},
           New Byte() {&H6, &H2, &H4, &H5, &HB, &H8, &HC, &HE, &HD, &HF, &H7, &H1, &HA, &H0, &H3, &H9},
           New Byte() {&H5, &H4, &HE, &HC, &H7, &H6, &HD, &HA, &HF, &H2, &H9, &H1, &H0, &HB, &H8, &H3},
           New Byte() {&HC, &H7, &H8, &HF, &HB, &H0, &H5, &H9, &HD, &HA, &H6, &HE, &H2, &H4, &H3, &H1},
           New Byte() {&H3, &HA, &HE, &H8, &H1, &HB, &H5, &H4, &H2, &HF, &HD, &HC, &H6, &H7, &H9, &H0},
           New Byte() {&HC, &HD, &H1, &HF, &H8, &HE, &H5, &HB, &H3, &HA, &H9, &H0, &H7, &H2, &H4, &H6},
           New Byte() {&HD, &HA, &H7, &HE, &H1, &H6, &HB, &H8, &HF, &HC, &H5, &H2, &H3, &H0, &H4, &H9},
           New Byte() {&H3, &HE, &H7, &H5, &HB, &HF, &H8, &HC, &H1, &HA, &H4, &HD, &H0, &H6, &H9, &H2},
           New Byte() {&HB, &H6, &H9, &H4, &H1, &H8, &HA, &HD, &H7, &HE, &H0, &HC, &HF, &H2, &H3, &H5},
           New Byte() {&HC, &H7, &H8, &HD, &H3, &HB, &H0, &HE, &H6, &HF, &H9, &H4, &HA, &H1, &H5, &H2},
           New Byte() {&HC, &H6, &HD, &H9, &HB, &H0, &H1, &H2, &HF, &H7, &H3, &H4, &HA, &HE, &H8, &H5},
           New Byte() {&H3, &H6, &H1, &H5, &HB, &HC, &H8, &H0, &HF, &HE, &H9, &H4, &H7, &HA, &HD, &H2},
           New Byte() {&HA, &H7, &HB, &HF, &H2, &H8, &H0, &HD, &HE, &HC, &H1, &H6, &H9, &H3, &H5, &H4},
           New Byte() {&HA, &HB, &HD, &H4, &H3, &H8, &H5, &H9, &H1, &H0, &HF, &HC, &H7, &HE, &H2, &H6},
           New Byte() {&HB, &H4, &HD, &HF, &H1, &H6, &H3, &HE, &H7, &HA, &HC, &H8, &H9, &H2, &H5, &H0},
           New Byte() {&H9, &H6, &H7, &H0, &H1, &HA, &HD, &H2, &H3, &HE, &HF, &HC, &H5, &HB, &H4, &H8},
           New Byte() {&HD, &HE, &H5, &H6, &H1, &H9, &H8, &HC, &H2, &HF, &H3, &H7, &HB, &H4, &H0, &HA},
           New Byte() {&H9, &HF, &H4, &H0, &H1, &H6, &HA, &HE, &H2, &H3, &H7, &HD, &H5, &HB, &H8, &HC},
           New Byte() {&H3, &HE, &H1, &HA, &H2, &HC, &H8, &H4, &HB, &H7, &HD, &H0, &HF, &H6, &H9, &H5},
           New Byte() {&H7, &H2, &HC, &H6, &HA, &H8, &HB, &H0, &HF, &H4, &H3, &HE, &H9, &H1, &HD, &H5},
           New Byte() {&HC, &H4, &H5, &H9, &HA, &H2, &H8, &HD, &H3, &HF, &H1, &HE, &H6, &H7, &HB, &H0},
           New Byte() {&HA, &H8, &HE, &HD, &H9, &HF, &H3, &H0, &H4, &H6, &H1, &HC, &H7, &HB, &H2, &H5},
           New Byte() {&H3, &HC, &H4, &HA, &H2, &HF, &HD, &HE, &H7, &H0, &H5, &H8, &H1, &H6, &HB, &H9},
           New Byte() {&HA, &HC, &H1, &H0, &H9, &HE, &HD, &HB, &H3, &H7, &HF, &H8, &H5, &H2, &H4, &H6},
           New Byte() {&HE, &HA, &H1, &H8, &H7, &H6, &H5, &HC, &H2, &HF, &H0, &HD, &H3, &HB, &H4, &H9},
           New Byte() {&H3, &H8, &HE, &H0, &H7, &H9, &HF, &HC, &H1, &H6, &HD, &H2, &H5, &HA, &HB, &H4},
           New Byte() {&H3, &HA, &HC, &H4, &HD, &HB, &H9, &HE, &HF, &H6, &H1, &H7, &H2, &H0, &H5, &H8}}
#End Region
#End Region

       Public Sub New(ByVal cdKey As String)
       End Sub

       Private Sub InitalizePrivate(ByVal cdKey As String)
           If IsNothing(cdKey) AndAlso (cdKey = "") Then
               '"CDKey is Missing."
               Exit Sub
           End If

           cdKey = cdKey.Replace("-", "")
           Me.key = cdKey
           isKey_26 = (cdKey.Length = W3_KEYLEN)
           Dim i As Integer

           Select Case cdKey.Length
               Case SC_KEYLEN
                   While (i < SC_KEYLEN)
                       If (Not Char.IsDigit(cdKey, i)) Then
                           '"You fail at SC"
                       End If
                       i += 1
                   End While
                   'decoded_key = Decode13(cdKey)
                   Call Decode13DigitKey(cdKey, product, val1, val2)
                   Exit Select
               Case WC2_KEYLEN ', D2_KEYLEN, LOD_KEYLEN
                   While (i < WC2_KEYLEN)
                       If Not (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(cdKey, i)) Then
                           '"You fail at WC2 or D2 or LOD"
                       End If
                       i += 1
                   End While
                   'decoded_key = Decode16(cdKey)
                   Call Decode16DigitKey(cdKey, product, val1, val2)
                   Exit Select
               Case W3_KEYLEN
                   While (i < W3_KEYLEN)
                       If Not (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(cdKey, i)) Then
                           '"You fail at WC3, WC3:TFT, NEWSCKEY"
                       End If
                       i += 1
                   End While
                   Call Decode26DigitKey(cdKey, product, val1, w3Val2)
                   Exit Select
               Case Else
           End Select
       End Sub

#Region "Starcraft CDKey Decoder."
       Friend Sub Decode13DigitKey(ByVal Key As String, ByRef Product As UInt32, ByRef PublicVal As UInt32, ByRef PrivateVal As UInt32)
           Dim salt As Int32 = &H13AC9741, SEQ() As Byte = {6, 0, 2, 9, 3, 11, 1, 7, 5, 4, 10, 8}, Decoded(12) As Char
           For I As Int32 = 11 To 0 Step -1
               Dim C As Byte = Asc(Key.Substring(SEQ(I), 1))
               If C <= 55 Then Decoded(I) = Chr(C Xor (salt And 7)) : salt >>= 3 Else Decoded(I) = Chr(C Xor I And 1)
           If Key.EndsWith(GetLastVal(Key)) Then
               Dim sDone As String = Decoded
               Product = UInt32.Parse(sDone.Substring(0, 2), Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier)
               PublicVal = sDone.Substring(2, 7)
               PrivateVal = sDone.Substring(9, 3)
               Product = 0 : PublicVal = 0 : PrivateVal = 0
           End If
       End Sub
       Private Function GetLastVal(ByVal sKey As String) As Char
           Dim lLenVal As UInt32 = 3, Key() As Char = sKey.ToCharArray
           For I As Int32 = 0 To 11
               lLenVal = lLenVal + (CStr(Key(I)) Xor (lLenVal * 2))
           Next I
           Return CStr(lLenVal Mod 10)
       End Function

       Private Function Decode13_Old(ByVal cdkey As String) As String
           Dim i, pos, accum As Int32
           Dim temp As Byte
           Dim HashKey As Int32 = &H13AC9741
           Dim KeyAr(&HC) As Byte
           key2 = cdkey.ToCharArray
           For i = &H0 To &HC
               KeyAr(i) = Asc(cdkey.Substring(i, &H1))
           accum = &H3
           For i = &H0 To &HB
               accum += ((KeyAr(i) - &H30) Xor (accum * &H2))
           If Not ((accum Mod &HA) = (KeyAr(&HC) - &H30)) Then
               valid = False
               Erase KeyAr
               Return "your cdkey is shit"
           End If
           valid = True
           pos = &HB
           i = &HC2
           While i >= &H7
               temp = KeyAr(pos)
               KeyAr(pos) = KeyAr(i Mod &HC)
               KeyAr(i Mod &HC) = temp
               pos -= &H1
               i -= &H11
           End While
           i = cdkey.Length - &H2
           While i >= &H0
               temp = UCase(KeyAr(i))
               KeyAr(i) = temp
               If temp <= &H37 Then
                   KeyAr(i) = KeyAr(i) Xor (HashKey And &H7)
                   HashKey >>= &H3
               ElseIf temp < &H41 Then
                   KeyAr(i) = KeyAr(i) Xor (i And &H1)
               End If
               i -= &H1
           End While
           Dim tempKey As String = ""
           For i = &H0 To &HC
               tempKey &= Chr(KeyAr(i))
           'sscanf((const char *)arrayKey, "%2ld%7ld%3ld", &product, &value1, &value2);
           product = Integer.Parse(tempKey.Substring(&H0, &H2))
           val1 = Integer.Parse(tempKey.Substring(&H2, &H7))
           val2 = Integer.Parse(tempKey.Substring(&H9, &H3))
           Erase KeyAr
           Return tempKey
       End Function
#End Region
#Region "Warcraft II, Diablo II, Diablo II:Lords of destruction"
       Friend Sub Decode16DigitKey(ByVal Key As String, ByRef Product As UInt32, ByRef PublicVal As UInt32, ByRef PrivateVal As UInt32)
           Dim salt As Int32 = &H13AC9741, SEQ() As Byte = {5, 6, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 7, 8}
           Const CodeValues As String = "246789BCDEFGHJKMNPRTVWXZ"
           Dim aryKey() As Char = Key.ToCharArray
           For I As Integer = 0 To 14 Step 2
               If Not CodeValues.Contains(aryKey(I + 1)) OrElse Not CodeValues.Contains(aryKey(I)) Then Exit Sub
               Dim N As Int32 = (CodeValues.IndexOf(aryKey(I + 1))) + (CodeValues.IndexOf(aryKey(I)) * 24) And &HFF
               aryKey(I) = Chr(IIf(((N >> 4) And &HF) < 10, ((N >> 4) And &HF) + &H30, ((N >> 4) And &HF) + &H37))
               aryKey(I + 1) = Chr(IIf((N And &HF) < 10, (N And &HF) + &H30, (N And &HF) + &H37))
           Next I
           Dim Decoded(15) As Char
           For I As Int32 = 15 To 0 Step -1
               Dim C As Byte = Asc(Char.ToUpper(aryKey(SEQ(I))))
               If C <= 55 Then
                   Decoded(I) = Chr(C Xor (salt And 7))
                   salt >>= 3
               ElseIf C < 65 Then
                   Decoded(I) = Chr(C Xor I And 1)
                   Decoded(I) = Chr(C)
               End If
           Dim sDone As String = Decoded
           Product = UInt32.Parse(sDone.Substring(0, 2), Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier)
           PublicVal = UInt32.Parse(sDone.Substring(2, 6), Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier)
           PrivateVal = UInt32.Parse(sDone.Substring(8), Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier)
       End Sub

       Private Function getHexVal(ByVal val As Integer) As Char
           val = val And &HF
           Return Chr(IIf((val < &HA), (val + &H30), (val + &H37)))
       End Function
       Private Function getNumVal(ByVal c As Char) As Integer
           c = Char.ToUpper(c, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
           Return IIf((Char.IsDigit(c)), (Asc(c) - &H30), (Asc(c) - &H37))
       End Function
#End Region
#Region "Warcraft III, Warcraft III:Frozen Throne, (NEW)Starcraft Keys"
 Friend Sub Decode26DigitKey(ByVal Key As String, ByRef Product As UInt32, ByRef PublicVal As UInt32, ByRef PrivateVal() As Byte)
   Const CodeValues As String = "246789BCDEFGHJKMNPRTVWXYZ"
   Dim cKey() As Char = Key.ToCharArray
   Dim aOrd() As Byte = {30, 27, 24, 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 0, 49,
                           46, 43, 40, 37, 34, 31, 28, 25,
                           22, 19, 16, 13, 10, 7, 4, 1, 50, 47, 44, 41,
                           38, 35, 32, 29, 26, 23, 20, 17,
                           14, 11, 8, 5, 2, 51, 48, 45, 42, 39, 36, 33}
   Dim n_digitsBase5(0 To 51) As Byte
   For I As Integer = 0 To 26 - 1
     If Not CodeValues.Contains(cKey(I)) Then Exit Sub
     Dim c As Byte = CodeValues.IndexOf(cKey(I))
     n_digitsBase5(aOrd(I * 2)) = CByte(c \ 5)
     n_digitsBase5(aOrd(I * 2 + 1)) = CByte(c Mod 5)
   Next I
   Dim n As System.Numerics.BigInteger = 0
   For I As Integer = 51 To 0 Step -1 : n = n * 5 + n_digitsBase5(I) : Next I
   Dim nbytes() As Byte = n.ToByteArray
   Dim nibbles(0 To 29) As Byte
   For I As Integer = 0 To 14
     For J As Integer = 0 To 1
       nibbles((I << 1) + J) = CByte((nbytes(I) >> (J << 2)) And CUInt(&HF))
     Next J
   Next I
   For R As Integer = 29 To 0 Step -1
     Dim perm() As Byte = TRANSLATEMAP(R)
     Dim c As Byte = nibbles(R)
     For r2 As Integer = 29 To 0 Step -1
       If R = r2 Then Continue For
       c = perm(nibbles(r2) Xor perm(c))
     Next r2
     nibbles(R) = perm(c)
   Next R
   Dim bits As New BitArray(128)
   For I As Integer = 0 To 29
     For J As Integer = 0 To 3
       Dim b As Boolean = CBool(((nibbles(I) >> J) And &H1) <> 0)
       bits.Set((I * 4 + J), b)
     Next J
   Next I
   For I As Integer = 0 To 119
     Dim J As Integer = (I * 11) Mod 120
     If J <= I Then Continue For
     Dim b As Boolean = bits.Get(I)
     bits(I) = bits(J)
     bits.Set(J, b)
   Next I
   Dim bb(0 To 14) As Byte
   For I As Integer = 0 To 14
     For J As Integer = 0 To 7
       If bits.Get((I << 3) + J) Then bb(I) = bb(I) Or CByte(&H1 << J)
     Next J
   Next I
   If bb(14) = &H0 Then
     Product = bb(&HD) >> &HA
     PublicVal = System.BitConverter.ToUInt32(bb, &HA) And &HFFFFFF
     Dim bOrder() As Byte = {8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3}
     ReDim PrivateVal(9)
     For I As Integer = 0 To 9 : PrivateVal(I) = bb(bOrder(I)) : Next
     Product = 0
     PublicVal = 0
     Erase PrivateVal
   End If
 End Sub
#End Region

   End Class
End Namespace

Imports System.IO

Namespace HashData
   Module CheckRevision
       Private ReadOnly HashCodes() As Int32 = {&HE7F4CB62, &HF6A14FFC, &HAA5504AF, &H871FCDC2, _
                                                &H11BF6A18, &HC57292E6, &H7927D27E, &H2FEC8733}

       Public Function DoCheckrevision(ByVal exe As String, _
                                       ByVal dll As String, _
                                       ByVal snp As String, _
                                       ByVal hashcommand As String, _
                                       ByVal mpqname As String) As Boolean
           If InStr(mpqname.ToLower, "lockdown") > 0 Then
               Return False
               CheckRevisionVB(exe, dll, snp, hashcommand, CheckSumHash, ExeInfoStr, mpqname, VersionVal)
           End If
           Return True
       End Function

       Public Function CheckRevisionVB(ByVal exe As String, ByVal dll As String, ByVal snp As String, _
                                       ByVal HashCommand As String, _
                                       ByRef Checksum As Long, _
                                       ByRef exeInfo As String, _
                                       ByVal mpqName As String, _
                                       ByRef Ver As Long) As Boolean
           Dim Operations(3) As String
           Dim Values(3) As Long
           Dim opDest(3) As Integer
           Dim opSrc1(3) As Integer
           Dim opSrc2(3) As Integer
           Dim mpqNum As Integer = CInt(Val(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(LCase(mpqName), ".mpq", ""), "ix86", ""), "ver", ""), "-", "")))
           If mpqNum < 0 OrElse mpqNum > 7 Then
               Return False
           End If
           Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
           Dim FileNames(2) As String
           If exe = "" Then
               Return False
           End If
           FileNames(0) = exe
           If dll = "" Then
               Return False
           End If
           FileNames(1) = dll
           If snp = "" Then
               Return False
           End If
           FileNames(2) = snp

           InitVars(HashCommand, Values, opDest, opSrc1, Operations, opSrc2)

           Values(0) = (Values(0) Xor HashCodes(mpqNum)) And &HFFFFFFFFUI

           Dim currentOperandBuffer(1023) As Byte
           For i = 0 To 2 '# of files = 3
               Using currentfile As New FileStream(FileNames(i), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)
                   While currentfile.Position < currentfile.Length
                       Dim currentFilePosition As Long = 0
                       Dim amountToRead As Long = Math.Min(currentfile.Length - currentfile.Position, 1024)
                       currentfile.Read(currentOperandBuffer, 0, amountToRead)

                       If (amountToRead < 1024) Then
                           Dim currentPaddingByte As Byte = Byte.Parse(&HFF)
                           For j = amountToRead To 1023
                               currentOperandBuffer(j) = currentPaddingByte
                               If currentPaddingByte = 0 Then
                                   currentPaddingByte = Byte.Parse(&HFF)
                                   currentPaddingByte -= 1
                               End If
                       End If

                       For j = 0 To 1023 Step 4
                           Values(3) = BitConverter.ToUInt32(currentOperandBuffer, j)

                           For k = 0 To 3 '# of operations = 4
                               Select Case (Operations(k))
                                   Case "+"
                                       Values(opDest(k)) = ((Values(opSrc1(k)) + Values(opSrc2(k)))) And UInt32.MaxValue
                                       Exit Select
                                   Case "-"
                                       Values(opDest(k)) = ((Values(opSrc1(k)) - Values(opSrc2(k)))) And UInt32.MaxValue
                                       Exit Select
                                   Case "^"
                                       Values(opDest(k)) = ((Values(opSrc1(k)) Xor Values(opSrc2(k)))) And UInt32.MaxValue
                                       Exit Select
                                   Case "*"
                                       Values(opDest(k)) = ((Values(opSrc1(k)) * Values(opSrc2(k)))) And UInt32.MaxValue
                                       Exit Select
                                   Case "/"
                                       Values(opDest(k)) = ((Values(opSrc1(k)) / Values(opSrc2(k)))) And UInt32.MaxValue
                                       Exit Select
                                   Case Else
                                       Exit Select
                               End Select
                   End While
               End Using
           exeInfo = FileNames(0)
           GetExeinfoAndVersion(exeInfo, Ver)

           Checksum = Values(2)
           Return True
       End Function

       Private Sub GetExeinfoAndVersion(ByRef exeInf As String, ByRef ver As Long)
           Dim eInfo As New FileInfo(exeInf)
           Dim fVer As FileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(exeInf)
           Dim eLength As Long = eInfo.Length
           Dim eDate As String = " " & _
                                 lngStr(eInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc.Month) & "/" & _
                                 lngStr(eInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc.Day) & "/" & _
                                 lngStr(eInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc.Year) & _
                                 " " & _
                                 lngStr(eInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc.Hour) & ":" & _
                                 lngStr(eInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc.Minute) & ":" & _
                                 lngStr(eInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc.Second) & _
                                 " "

           exeInf = eInfo.Name & eDate & eLength.ToString
           Dim b(3) As Byte
           b(3) = fVer.ProductMajorPart And &HFFI
           b(2) = fVer.ProductMinorPart And &HFFI
           b(1) = fVer.ProductBuildPart And &HFFI
           b(0) = fVer.ProductPrivatePart And &HFFI
           ver = BitConverter.ToInt32(b, 0)
       End Sub

       Private Function lngStr(ByVal inVal As String) As String
           If inVal.Length = 1 Then
               Return "0" + inVal
           ElseIf inVal.Length = 4 Then
               Return Right(inVal, 2)
               Return inVal
           End If
       End Function

       Private Function getNum(ByVal c As String) As Integer
           Select Case UCase(c)
               Case "A"
                   Return 0
               Case "B"
                   Return 1
               Case "C"
                   Return 2
               Case "S"
                   Return 3
               Case Else
                   Return -1
           End Select
       End Function

       Public Sub InitVars(ByVal HashCommand As String, _
                           ByRef dwVars() As Long, _
                           ByRef varDest() As Integer, _
                           ByRef Val1() As Integer, _
                           ByRef Oper() As String, _
                           ByRef Val2() As Integer)
           Dim s() As String = Split(HashCommand, " ")
           Dim dwVariables(3) As Long
           Dim opValueDest(3) As Integer, opValueSrc1(3) As Integer, opValueSrc2(3) As Integer
           Dim operation(3) As String
           Dim NumberOfOperations As Integer

           Dim i As Integer
           For i = 0 To 2
               dwVariables(getNum(Mid(s(i), 1, 1))) = (Long.Parse(Mid(s(i), 3, s(i).Length)))
           dwVars = dwVariables

           NumberOfOperations = CInt(Val(s(3)))

           For i = 0 To (NumberOfOperations - 1)
               opValueDest(i) = getNum(Mid(s(i + 4), 1, 1))
               opValueSrc1(i) = getNum(Mid(s(i + 4), 3, 1))
               operation(i) = Mid(s(i + 4), 4, 1)
               opValueSrc2(i) = getNum(Mid(s(i + 4), 5, 1))
           varDest = opValueDest
           Val1 = opValueSrc1
           Oper = operation
           Val2 = opValueSrc2
       End Sub

   End Module
End Namespace

Namespace HashData
   Public Module BrokenSHA1 'Legacy hashing

       Public Function BuildCDKeyData(ByVal sKey As UInt32, ByVal cKey As UInt32, _
                                      ByVal ProdKey As UInt32, _
                                      ByVal val1 As UInt32, _
                                      ByVal val2 As UInt32, _
                                      ByVal KeyLength As UInt32) As Byte()
           Dim OutBuf(35) As Byte
           Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(KeyLength), 0, OutBuf, 0, 4)
           Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(UInt32.Parse(ProdKey)), 0, OutBuf, 4, 4)
           Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(val1), 0, OutBuf, 8, 4)
           Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(UInt32.Parse(&H0UI)), 0, OutBuf, 12, 4)
           Array.Copy(HashCDKey(sKey, cKey, ProdKey, val1, val2), 0, OutBuf, 16, 20)
           Return OutBuf
       End Function

       Public Function HashCDKey(ByVal ServerKey As UInt32, ByVal ClientKey As UInt32, _
                                 ByVal prodid As UInt32, ByVal val1 As UInt32, _
                                 ByVal val2 As UInt32) As Byte()
           Dim dwHashBuff(19) As Byte
           Dim tHashBuf(23) As Byte

           Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(ClientKey), 0, tHashBuf, 0, 4)
           Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(ServerKey), 0, tHashBuf, 4, 4)
           Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(prodid), 0, tHashBuf, 8, 4)
           Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(val1), 0, tHashBuf, 12, 4)
           Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(UInt32.Parse(0)), 0, tHashBuf, 16, 4)
           Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(val2), 0, tHashBuf, 20, 4)

           dwHashBuff = SafeHash(tHashBuf)
           Erase tHashBuf
           Return dwHashBuff
       End Function

       Public Function HashPass(ByVal password As String, ByVal val1 As Int32, ByVal val2 As Int32) As Byte()
           Dim passwordhash() As Byte = CreateAccount(password)
           Dim tmpBuf(19) As Byte
           Dim p1(7) As Byte
           Dim p1ph(27) As Byte
           Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(val1), 0, p1, 0, 4)
           Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(val2), 0, p1, 4, 4)

           Array.Copy(p1, 0, p1ph, 0, 8)
           Array.Copy(passwordhash, 0, p1ph, 8, 20)

           passwordhash = SafeHash(p1ph)

           Array.Copy(p1, 0, p1ph, 0, 8)
           Array.Copy(passwordhash, 0, p1ph, 8, 20)

           Erase p1
           Erase passwordhash
           Erase tmpBuf
           Return p1ph
       End Function
       Public Function CreateAccount(ByVal password As String) As Byte()
           Dim dwHashBuffer(19) As Byte
           dwHashBuffer = SafeHash(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(password))
           Return dwHashBuffer
       End Function

       Private Function ROL(ByVal val As UInteger, ByVal shift As Integer) As UInteger
           shift = shift And &H1F
           val = (val >> (32 - shift)) Or (val << shift)
           Return val
       End Function

       Private Function ForceUint(ByVal inVal As Double) As UInteger
           While inVal > UInteger.MaxValue
               inVal -= 4294967296
           End While
           While inVal < UInteger.MinValue
               inVal += 4294967296
           End While
           Return inVal
       End Function
       Private Function Add(ByVal number1 As Double, ByVal number2 As Double) As UInteger
           Return ForceUint(CDbl(number1) + CDbl(number2))
       End Function

       Public Function SafeHash(ByVal InBuf() As Byte) As Byte()
           If (InBuf.Length > 1024) Then Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("<InBuf()> Error data exceeded 1024 bytes")
           Dim data(1023) As Byte
           Array.Copy(InBuf, 0, data, 0, InBuf.Length)
           Dim i As Int32
           Dim mdata As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(data, True)
           Dim br As BinaryReader = New BinaryReader(mdata)
           Dim bw As BinaryWriter = New BinaryWriter(mdata)
           Dim a, b, c, d, e, g As UInteger
           Dim expr_ldata_i, expr_ldata_i_2, expr_ldata_i_8, expr_ldata_i_13 As UInteger
           Dim shiftVal As Int32
           For i = 0 To 63
               mdata.Seek((i * 4), SeekOrigin.Begin)
               '// mdata now at ldata[i]
               expr_ldata_i = br.ReadUInt32()
               '// mdata now at ldata[i+1]
               mdata.Seek(1 * 4, SeekOrigin.Current)
               '// mdata now at ldata[i+2]
               expr_ldata_i_2 = br.ReadUInt32()
               '// mdata now at ldata[i+3]
               mdata.Seek(5 * 4, SeekOrigin.Current)
               '// mdata now at ldata[i+8]
               expr_ldata_i_8 = br.ReadUInt32()
               '// mdata now at ldata[i+9]
               mdata.Seek(4 * 4, SeekOrigin.Current)
               '// mdata now at ldata[i+13]
               expr_ldata_i_13 = br.ReadUInt32()
               '// mdata now at ldata[i+14]
               shiftVal = ((expr_ldata_i Xor expr_ldata_i_8 Xor expr_ldata_i_2 Xor expr_ldata_i_13) And &H1F) And Int32.MaxValue
               mdata.Seek(2 * 4, SeekOrigin.Current)
               '// mdata now at ldata[i+16]
               bw.Write(ROL(1, shiftVal))
           a = &H67452301L
           b = &HEFCDAB89L
           c = &H98BADCFEL
           d = &H10325476L
           e = &HC3D2E1F0L
           g = 0

           mdata.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin)

           For i = 0 To 79
               g = br.ReadUInt32()
               g = Add(g, e)
               g = Add(g, ROL(a, 5))
               Select Case i
                   Case Is < 20
                       g = Add(g, ((b And c) Or ((Not b) And d)))
                       g = Add(g, &H5A827999L)
                   Case Is < 40
                       g = Add(g, (d Xor c Xor b))
                       g = Add(g, &H6ED9EBA1L)
                   Case Is < 60
                       g = Add(g, (c And b) Or (d And c) Or (d And b))
                       g = Add(g, &H8F1BBCDCL)
                   Case Is < 80
                       g = Add(g, (d Xor c Xor b))
                       g = Add(g, &HCA62C1D6L)
               End Select
               e = d
               d = c
               c = ROL(b, 30)
               b = a
               a = g

           Dim result As Byte() = New Byte(19) {}
           mdata = New MemoryStream(result, 0, 20, True, True)
           bw = New BinaryWriter(mdata)
           bw.Write(Add(&H67452301UI, a))
           bw.Write(Add(&HEFCDAB89UI, b))
           bw.Write(Add(&H98BADCFEUI, c))
           bw.Write(Add(&H10325476UI, d))
           bw.Write(Add(&HC3D2E1F0UI, e))


           Return result
       End Function

   End Module
End Namespace

Obvious rehash, this way I wont lose my shit this time around.
Not a final, I will be adding to this as I get time to.

If you improve upon what ever's here be sure to leave a note about it, goes for what ever


Been working on better CDKey Encoding/Decoding with Yegg. Most the stuff in the old code is just obfuscation and unimproved port leftovers.

13 and 16 digit keys both simply switch the order of the key around and then run it through a simple little xor decrypter, with 16 digit keys being converted to compatible numbers based on the CodeValues string ("246789BCDEFGHJKMNPRTVWXZ").

Instead of switching the order through functions, a byte array storing the index order of the encoded values is used to set the result of the encryption into the right positions, consolidating and simplifying the function dramatically.

The last value for 13 digit keys is pulled out into another function (GetLastVal) for easy key checking and creation (note that it's optional in the decode function, since it doesn't effect the values sent to Battle.net).

26 Digit keys are much more complex, but use the same CodeValues as 16 digit keys, except with the addition of the letter "Y" in the alphabetically correct position. The rest of the code I have really needs improvement, which I'll be working on over the next few days.

For now, all code in the link below works, though only the 13 and 16 decoders and 13 encoder are perfected. 16's encoder needs a bit of work on the second loop.

Work in progress: http://pastebin.com/1Z0w2kJU


Namespace HashData

   Public Class NLS
       Public ReadOnly Modulus() As Byte = { _
           &HF8, &HFF, &H1A, &H8B, &H61, &H99, &H18, &H3, &H21, &H86, &HB6, &H8C, &HA0, &H92, &HB5, &H55, _
           &H7E, &H97, &H6C, &H78, &HC7, &H32, &H12, &HD9, &H12, &H16, &HF6, &H65, &H85, &H23, &HC7, &H87}
       Public Const Generator As Int32 = 47
       Public Const SignatureKey As Int32 = &H10001
       Public ReadOnly ServerModulus() As Byte = { _
           &HCF, &H8D, &H69, &H7F, &HBA, &HC2, &H8D, &HB6, &HFD, &H9D, &H54, &HCC, &H41, &H40, &HED, &HC2, _
           &H96, &H78, &H51, &H57, &HE7, &HBD, &HF5, &H2D, &HB0, &H32, &HD9, &H40, &H66, &H8E, &H16, &HEA, _
           &H76, &H34, &H8A, &H8E, &H69, &H32, &H84, &H41, &H20, &HD3, &H8A, &H8, &H5E, &H3D, &HF4, &H2A, _
           &H98, &HDD, &H0, &HC2, &HE4, &HFC, &H26, &HFD, &HF4, &H25, &HD3, &H4D, &H2D, &HC5, &H82, &HD0, _
           &H20, &HA6, &H6, &HA1, &HD5, &H77, &HE1, &HC9, &H73, &HB8, &HF3, &HCB, &H9E, &H43, &H7, &H88, _
           &HFC, &H39, &H5A, &H15, &HB, &H48, &HF, &H29, &H35, &H56, &HBA, &H2D, &HFC, &HC1, &HE5, &HDC, _
           &HB5, &H56, &HB5, &H8F, &HE, &HCD, &H3B, &H3A, &HA1, &HB4, &H19, &H42, &HE8, &H20, &HFA, &HB0, _
           &H32, &HE3, &HB, &H9D, &H78, &H6E, &HFA, &HC3, &HF, &HC5, &HD, &HF, &HAB, &HD6, &HA3, &HD5}
       Private ReadOnly s_sha As SHA1 = New SHA1Managed()
       Private ReadOnly s_rand As RandomNumberGenerator = New RNGCryptoServiceProvider()
       Private ReadOnly s_modulus As BigInteger = New BigInteger(Modulus)
       Private ReadOnly s_generator As BigInteger = New BigInteger(ULong.Parse(47))
       Private userName, password As String
       Private k(), userNameAscii() As Byte
       Private verifier, x, a, _A, m1 As BigInteger

       Public Sub New(ByVal Username As String, ByVal Password As String)
           Username = Username
           userNameAscii = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Username)
           Password = Password
           Dim rand_a(31) As Byte
           a = New BigInteger(rand_a)
           a = a Mod s_modulus
           a = New BigInteger(ReverseArray(a.ToByteArray))
           '//A = s_generator.ModPow(a, s_modulus)
           _A = New BigInteger(ReverseArray(BigInteger.ModPow(s_generator, a, s_modulus).ToByteArray))
       End Sub

       Public Function VerifyServerProof(ByVal serverProof() As Byte) As Boolean
           If Not (serverProof.Length = 20) Then
               Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Resources.nlsServerProof20")
               Return False
           End If

           Dim ms_m2 As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(92) '92
           Dim bw As BinaryWriter = New BinaryWriter(ms_m2)
           bw.Write(EnsureArrayLength(a.ToByteArray, 32))
           Dim client_m2_data() As Byte = ms_m2.GetBuffer()

           Dim client_hash_m2() As Byte = s_sha.ComputeHash(client_m2_data)
           Dim client_m2 As BigInteger = New BigInteger(client_hash_m2)
           Dim server_m2 As BigInteger = New BigInteger(serverProof)

           Debug.WriteLine(client_m2.ToString, "Client")
           Debug.WriteLine(server_m2.ToString, "Server")

           Return client_m2.Equals(server_m2)
       End Function

       Public Function LoginProof(ByVal stream As Stream, ByVal serverSalt() As Byte, ByVal serverRandomKey() As Byte) As Int32
           If Not (serverSalt.Length = 32) Then
               Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Resources.param_salt, serverSalt, Resources.nlsSalt32")
           End If
           If Not (serverRandomKey.Length = 32) Then
               Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Resources.param_serverKey, serverRandomKey, Resources.nlsServerKey32")
           End If

           If (stream.Position + 20 > stream.Length) Then
               Throw New IOException("Resources.nlsLoginProofSpace")
           End If

           CalculateM1(serverSalt, serverRandomKey)

           stream.Write(EnsureArrayLength(Me.m1.ToByteArray, 20), 0, 20)

           Return 20
       End Function

       Public Function LoginProof(ByVal buffer() As Byte, ByVal startIndex As Int32, ByVal totalLength As Int32, ByVal serverSalt() As Byte, ByVal serverKey() As Byte) As Int32
           Dim ms As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(buffer, startIndex, totalLength, True)
           Return LoginProof(ms, serverSalt, serverKey)
       End Function

       Public Function LoginProof(ByRef logonProofPacket As PacketClass, ByVal serverSalt() As Byte, ByVal serverKey() As Byte) As Int32
           Dim temp(19) As Byte
           Dim len As Int32 = LoginProof(temp, 0, 20, serverSalt, serverKey)
           Return len
       End Function

       Public Function LoginAccount(ByVal stream As Stream) As Int32
           If ((stream.Position + 33 + userNameAscii.Length) > stream.Length) Then
               Throw New IOException("Resources.nlsAcctLoginSpace")
           End If

           stream.Write(EnsureArrayLength(a.ToByteArray, 32), 0, 32)
           stream.Write(userNameAscii, 0, userNameAscii.Length)

           Return 33 + userNameAscii.Length
       End Function

       Public Function LoginAccount(ByRef loginPacket As PacketClass) As Int32
           Dim temp(33 + (userNameAscii.Length - 1)) As Byte
           Dim len As Int32 = LoginAccount(temp, 0, temp.Length)
           Return len
       End Function

       Public Function LoginAccount(ByVal buffer() As Byte, ByVal startIndex As Int32, ByVal totalLength As Int32) As Int32
           Dim ms As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(buffer, startIndex, totalLength, True)
           Return LoginAccount(MS)
       End Function

       Public Function CreateAccount(ByVal stream As Stream) As Int32
           If ((stream.Position + 65 + userNameAscii.Length) > stream.Length) Then
               Throw New IOException("Resources.nlsAcctCreateSpace")
           End If

           Dim clientSalt(31) As Byte


           stream.Write(EnsureArrayLength(clientSalt, 32), 0, 32)
           stream.Write(ReverseArray(EnsureArrayLength(verifier.ToByteArray, 32)), 0, 32)
           stream.Write(userNameAscii, 0, userNameAscii.Length)

           Return 65 + userNameAscii.Length
       End Function

       Public Function CreateAccount(ByVal acctPacket As PacketClass) As Int32
           Dim temp(65 + (userName.Length - 1)) As Byte
           Dim len As Int32 = CreateAccount(temp, 0, temp.Length)
           Return len
       End Function

       Public Function CreateAccount(ByVal buffer() As Byte, ByVal startIndex As Int32, ByVal totalLength As Int32) As Int32
           Dim ms As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(buffer, startIndex, totalLength, True)
           Return CreateAccount(MS)
       End Function

       Public Function ValidateServerSignature(ByVal serverSignature() As Byte, ByVal ipAddress() As Byte) As Boolean
           If Not (serverSignature.Length = 128) Then
               Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Resources.nlsSrvSig128")
           End If

           Dim key As BigInteger = New BigInteger(New Byte() {0, 1, 0, 1}) ' /* ReverseArray(new BigInteger((ulong)SignatureKey).GetBytes()) */);
           Dim _mod As BigInteger = New BigInteger(ServerModulus) ', 16) 'Fix modulus
           Dim sig As BigInteger = New BigInteger(ReverseArray(serverSignature))

           Dim result() As Byte = BigInteger.ModPow(sig, key, _mod).ToByteArray
           Dim res As BigInteger = New BigInteger(ReverseArray(result))

           Dim ms_res As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(result.Length)
           ms_res.Write(ipAddress, 0, 4)
           Dim i As Integer
           For i = 4 To result.Length

           ms_res.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current)

           Dim cor_res As BigInteger = New BigInteger(ms_res.GetBuffer())

           Return cor_res.Equals(res)
       End Function

       Private Sub CalculateVerifier(ByVal serverSalt() As Byte)
           Dim unpwexpr As String = String.Concat(userName.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ":", password.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))

           Dim unpw_bytes() As Byte = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(unpwexpr)
           Dim hash1() As Byte = s_sha.ComputeHash(unpw_bytes)

           Dim unpw_salt_bytes(serverSalt.Length + hash1.Length) As Byte '// should be 52
           Array.Copy(serverSalt, unpw_salt_bytes, serverSalt.Length)
           Array.Copy(hash1, 0, unpw_salt_bytes, serverSalt.Length, hash1.Length)

           Dim hash2() As Byte = s_sha.ComputeHash(unpw_salt_bytes)

           SyncLock (Me)
               '//this.salt = serverSalt;
               x = New BigInteger(ReverseArray(hash2))
               '//x = new BigInteger(hash2);
               verifier = BigInteger.ModPow(s_generator, x, s_modulus)
           End SyncLock
       End Sub

       Private Sub CalculateM1(ByVal saltFromServer() As Byte, ByVal issuedServerKey() As Byte)
           Dim local_B As BigInteger = New BigInteger(ReverseArray(issuedServerKey))
           '//BigInteger local_B = new BigInteger(serverKey);

           '// first calculate u.
           Dim u_sha() As Byte = s_sha.ComputeHash(issuedServerKey)
           Dim u As BigInteger = New BigInteger(u_sha) ', 4)

           If (IsNothing(verifier)) Then
           End If

           '// then we need to calculate S.
           Dim local_S As BigInteger = ((s_modulus + local_B - verifier) Mod s_modulus)
           local_S = BigInteger.ModPow(local_S, (a + (u * x)), s_modulus)
           Dim bytes_s() As Byte = EnsureArrayLength(ReverseArray(local_S.ToByteArray), 32)
           '//byte[] bytes_s = local_S.GetBytes();

           '// now K.  yeah, this is weird.
           Dim even_s(15) As Byte
           Dim odds_s(15) As Byte

           Dim i, j As Int32
           For i = 0 To (bytes_s.Length - 1) Step 2
               even_s(j) = bytes_s(i)
               odds_s(j) = bytes_s(i + 1)
               j += 1

           Dim even_hash() As Byte = s_sha.ComputeHash(even_s)
           Dim odds_hash() As Byte = s_sha.ComputeHash(odds_s)
           Dim local_k(39) As Byte

           For i = 0 To (local_k.Length - 1)
               If ((i And 1) = 0) Then
                   local_k(i) = even_hash(i / 2)
                   local_k(i) = odds_hash(i / 2)
               End If

           '// finally, m1.
           Dim sha_g As BigInteger = New BigInteger(s_sha.ComputeHash(ReverseArray(s_generator.ToByteArray)))
           Dim sha_n As BigInteger = New BigInteger(s_sha.ComputeHash(ReverseArray(s_modulus.ToByteArray)))
           Dim g_xor_n As BigInteger = sha_g Xor sha_n

           Dim ms As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(40 + saltFromServer.Length + a.ToByteArray.Length + issuedServerKey.Length + local_k.Length)
           Dim bw As BinaryWriter = New BinaryWriter(ms)
           bw.Write(EnsureArrayLength(a.ToByteArray, 32))

           '#If DEBUG Then
           'If (a.ToByteArray.Length < 32) Then
           '    DataFormatter.WriteToTrace(a.ToByteArray, "A length less than 32 bytes")
           'End If
           '#End If


           Dim m1_data() As Byte = ms.GetBuffer()
           Dim m1_hash() As Byte = s_sha.ComputeHash(m1_data)

           SyncLock (Me)
               Me.k = local_k
               '//this.salt = saltFromServer;
               '//this.serverKey = issuedServerKey;
               '//this.S = local_S;
               m1 = New BigInteger(m1_hash)
           End SyncLock
       End Sub

       Private Function ReverseArray(ByVal arb() As Byte) As Byte()
           Dim res(arb.Length) As Byte
           Dim i As Int32
           For i = 0 To (arb.Length - 1)
               res(i) = arb(arb.Length - 1 - i)
           Return res
       End Function

       Private Function EnsureArrayLength(ByVal array() As Byte, ByVal minSize As Int32) As Byte()
           If (array.Length < minSize) Then
               Dim temp(minSize) As Byte
               Buffer.BlockCopy(array, 0, temp, minSize - array.Length, array.Length)
               array = temp
           End If
           Return array
       End Function

   End Class

End Namespace

Un-Tested conversion, have no means of testing this atm.
Edit: Looking over iago's, this should work still stands as is though for now.


In your data hash function, all of your for loops can be rolled into a single loop:

    for (i = 0; i < 80; ++i) {
if (i < 64)
lpdwBuffer [i + 16] = ROL (1, (lpdwBuffer [i] ^ lpdwBuffer [i + 8] ^ lpdwBuffer [i + 2] ^ lpdwBuffer [i + 13]) % 32);
if (i < 20)
g = lpdwBuffer[i] + ROL (a, 5) + e + ((b & c) | (~b & d)) + 0x5a827999lu;
else if (i < 40)
g = (d ^ c ^ b) + e + ROL (g, 5) + lpdwBuffer[i] + 0x6ed9eba1lu;
else if (i < 60)
g = lpdwBuffer[i] + ROL (g, 5) + e + ((c & b) | (d & c) | (d & b)) - 0x70e44324lu;
g = (d ^ c ^ b) + e + ROL (g, 5) + lpdwBuffer[i] - 0x359d3e2alu;
e = d;
d = c;
c = ROL (b, 30);
b = a;
a = g;