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menupopup on listview item click

Started by Lobo, April 24, 2003, 12:30 AM

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how can I make a little menu to pop up when I say right click a username on the listview
Look it's a signature.


I believe you would add a menu, but make the menu invisible. Add all the submenus you want to, but make those visible. Say your listview is named listview1..In ListView1.MouseUp, put
Me.PopupMenu WhateverTheMenuWasCalled
And there ya go.


stuck again I wanna do a ban command but how do I tell the bot to send who to ban like how do I say the person thats highlighted I wanna send there name.
Look it's a signature.

Mesiah / haiseM

i beleive there is an api call to dynamicly create popup windows, i cant recall it though...
]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

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hrm lets see...

Private Sub ListView1.MouseUp(obviously your vars go here)
'Add a If Statement For Checking If It Was Right Clicked (Button 2)
'In The Statement Put The Following Code
'Your_Ban_Menu_Item Is The Name Of Your Ban Menu Item
Me.PopupMenu Your_Ban_Menu_Item
End Sub

Private Sub Ban_Click()
CleanSlateBot1.Send "/ban " & ListView1.SeletedItem
End Sub

Banana fanna fo fanna

Quote from: MesiaH on April 24, 2003, 12:52 PM
i beleive there is an api call to dynamicly create popup windows, i cant recall it though...



can you save whats in a list box? if so how
Look it's a signature.


Quote from: Lobo.id on April 25, 2003, 11:07 AM
can you save whats in a list box? if so how
Try writing the contents to a file