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Item links in channels

Started by Adron, April 11, 2005, 09:45 AM

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Did you ever want to link an item into a private channel?

Download and unpack this into your WoW directory. It will put itself under Interface\Addons\ChannelItemLink. Then try using item links in private channels and see if it works OK.

Only users who have this addon will see the link correctly. Others will see some "random" numbers and the name of the item.


I'll try it..but I've been in a private channel and people have linked things to me before, it worked. Is it a glitch or something?


That's interesting. Can you share more information on the circumstances when linking items in private channels worked? It hasn't worked for us when we've been testing it..


Well I'll try...I was tending to a meeting for my guild, it wasn't in officer chat or anything. We did like /join zchatzblah or something like that. We were talking and my friend said, "Hey look at my new item! [LINK]". All I did was click it and it worked.


You should check the channel name in CIL_ChatFrame_OnEvent() too so others can't exploit the use of text manipulation identifiers in public channels.

Or you could take it a bit further and only allow such manipulation if what follows is a valid item link.


I suppose I could do that, but it would only become an issue if there were lots of links being sent in this way, and hostile users gained knowledge of it. At that time I could add the verification.


Afaik linking items in a chat channel isn't workable but I haven't looked into the channel settings what so ever. When you're the channel moderator, has anyone checked what all the options are?
- Hostile is sexy.


I looked into it for our channel but found no setting to allow links to be used.

I have updated the addon to fix two bugs Skywing found; you can redownload it from the same url.