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Is it possible to force a VB6 executable to delete itself, and if so, how?

Started by Dyndrilliac, April 01, 2005, 12:10 PM

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Well what i would do is create a malicious OCX that causes the program to be run as soon as you open it (or u could make it launce and executable) rename this ocx to yaya.frm or something then manulaly add it in with components (probally best done through notepad) and have it run a .bat file either that or just execute a trojan or something retarded... W/e but ill make sure not to open any source codes from u anytime soon :)


Um, what?

Please try PERIODS as they assist in the coherence of a paragraph. Also try to stay focused (unless it's just me?). And last: Why the HELL would we want to write anything malicious with something this simple?