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Started by Joe[x86], August 21, 2005, 04:58 AM

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Yes, I'm writing my own forum software. Now, before you all laugh at me, you should probably know that I've already written, and tested, the following:
- View news.
- Post news.
- Register.
- View posts.
- Post all list.

What do I still need to do? Add creating posts, a better interface for posting news (its currently $_GET() arguments), logging in, cookies, etc. Heres links to some of the features:

Index: http://www.javaop.com/~joe/joeforums/index.php?module=index
View news:http://www.javaop.com/~joe/joeforums/index.php?module=news
Post news: http://www.javaop.com/~joe/joeforums/index.php?module=postnews&username=YOUR-NAME-HERE&title=MESSAGE-TITLE-HERE&body=MESSAGE-BODY-HERE
Register: http://www.javaop.com/~joe/joeforums/index.php?module=register&username=USERNAME&password=PASSWORD
View post: http://www.javaop.com/~joe/joeforums/index.php?module=posts&postid=1
Post list: http://www.javaop.com/~joe/joeforums/index.php?module=posts&postid=0
Error handler: http://www.javaop.com/~joe/joeforums/index.php?module=boom

You're going to need to authenticate with the server I'm hosted on.
UN: public
PW: public
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.

Soul Taker

Notice: Undefined variable: PREREGISTERED in /home/joe/public_html/joeforums/index.php on line 157
You have been registered.

All I did was click your register link.