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Interesting/funny topics from the World of Warcraft community site

Started by Spht, April 01, 2005, 03:46 PM

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Interesting/funny topics from the World of Warcraft community site.

Note:  Links to posts on the World of Warcraft community forum will expire after time.



1. "That's my heart you rolled on, baby, and it's Bind on Pickup."
2. "Did you cast a DoT Fire Spell? Because you've been burning me up all day."
3. "You must be a pretty good Enchanter, because you make me Glow all over."
4. "I know a place we can go that'll be just the two of us: Darnassus"
5. "It's a Thousand and One Needles now that I've seen you."
6. "Why are you grinding in STV? You've got all the Booty you need already."
7. "If you're looking for an Epic Mount I'm much cheaper then 900g"
8. "You've got a Flight Path straight to my heart, and the Flight Time is... the rest of our lives"


1. "Take care of that Soulstone.. because it's mine, Baby."
2. "How about a threesome? No, not with her... with the Voidwalker."

1. "I'm yours. Signed, Sealed, and Judged."
2. "Hey, be as rough as you want, I can handle it."
3. "You know, people say my endurance is unmatched."

1. "Once you've Ruptured with five combo points, you'll never go back"
2. "I can use both hands"

1. "Whoa, lets take this slow, I don't want to gain aggro."
2. "Look, I know what people say, but if I did that to the sheep it would break Poly!"

1. "Picking up girls was so much easier before Blizz nerfed Mind Control"
2. "On me?"
3. "I don't know.. I usually only do it in groups"

1. "I Cat Bear to Seal you with anyone else!"
2. "I've got my very own Zone."

1. "What's wrong with my Pet watching?"
2. "I must've left Trueshot Aura on... because Cupid just hit me extra hard."
3. "Look, I'm sorry you're unhappy.... want some wolf meat?"

1. "Baby, I promise, it doesn't take me as long to get it up after the patch"
2. "You should see me Execute."
3. "I can hold every item in my offhand.. but I want it to be you."

1. "I'll never say this to anyone else... but you can nerf me all you want."



QuoteThese characters aren't allowed and due to a bug, often bypass our system. Should you run into a name containing ASCII character, please page a GM and report it as you would any other inappropriate name.



Quote from: effect on March 09, 2006, 11:52 PM
Islam is a steaming pile of fucking dog shit. Everything about it is flawed, anybody who believes in it is a terrorist, if you disagree with me, then im sorry your wrong.

Quote from: Rule on May 07, 2006, 01:30 PM
Why don't you stop being American and start acting like a decent human?


Blizzard is EVIL!

QuoteGurubashi Arena Event: There is now a regular event in Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale. Every three hours starting at midnight, a pirate will drop a chest in the center of the arena. The player who opens the chest first gets what's inside!



QuoteWhy hi lvl priests are so hard to "find"
* We spent 10 levels barred from every group.
* We spent 10 levels doing the most damage with our staff.
* We spent 15 levels in soloing hell.
* We spent 20 levels watching the hunters race level from 1 to 30.
* We spent 30 levels begging to join others.
* We spent 35 levels drinking after every fight with mobs 2 levels less than us.
* We spent 1 level at 40 annoyed at the warlocks and paladins while we finished grinding for mount money we had to spend on drinks.
* We spent 45 levels asking for FFA to be changed to group or round robin.
* We spent 45 levels using wands to finish our fights.
* We spent 49 levels hearing about how we were overpowered and need more nerfing.
* We spent 49 levels hearing about how we were underpowered and not worth inviting.
* We spent 50 levels pretending your "heal me" macro was just on automatic.
* We spent 50 levels watching you, helping you, keeping you alive - just to hear you call us healbots.
* We spent 50 levels watching paladins roll on cloth and rogues on mana regen daggers.
* We hit 55 and suddenly every jerk that kept and sold the mana potions that dropped in an instance suddenly wants us around again.
* We spent 55 levels being hit by 2 of the mobs in a 3 mob pull that nobody bothers to aggro.
* We spent 55 levels taking abuse of all forms.
* We spent 55 levels begging mages for water and often being asked to pay for it.
* We spent 59 levels explaining off-tanking.
* We spent 59 levels swearing we would never join another pickup party with strangers.
* We spent 59 levels regretting joining any party that said "yeah, our priest just left.."
* We spent 59 levels hearing you try to convince us how boring we are to play while we are busy healing/dispelling/shackling/curing/runner-catching/buffing/dpsing/shielding/dotting/add-watching.
* We spent 59 levels sending out our luvin while watching you say "omg heal" after we had already died - first.
* At 60, we spend all our time with friends. If you weren't nice to us before 60, don't expect anything from us.



"Is there a difference between being blind and legally blind? o.O"?  This question gets answered, again... and again... and again...
