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HTML Bot - The PHP Bot Alternate

Started by Joe[x86], February 08, 2005, 07:45 PM

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Damn. Looks like I've met the end of this project. Can anyone fix my code up for me? Feel free to stick yourselves in the credits if you do.
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.


lol in theory we could make a vb program that has a web browser control and show the html page.. ? so it would be kinda like auto updating lol ^^;;


Could you add more controls to it? Like a botlogger in HTML? That might work for ya, and just show it as an iframe? (I know we all hate iframes, but they do work sometimes.. lol)


As soon as someone fixes the problem of document.Writing, I'd gladly work on this.

My current idea: Load up a RichTextBox, and call normal AddChat's. How would placing sizing work with this, though? Just replace frmMain with Document and go?
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.


Here's a quick fix:

        <title>HTML Webbot</title>
        <object classid="clsid:CB1619E4-0752-44A6-9828-CE58616BC8FE" id="CSB" width="168" height="16"></object>
<div id="chat"></div>

<script Language="VBScript">
            Public CDKey
            Public Username
            Public Password
            Public Product
            Public Server
            Public Home
            Public Screen


            Public Sub GetConf()
                Username = InputBox("Username?")
                Password = InputBox("Password?")
                Product = InputBox("Product (4-Byte Reversed)?")
                Server = InputBox("Server?")
                CDKey = InputBox("Key?")
                Home = InputBox("Home channel?")
            End Sub
            Public Sub SetConf()
                With CSB
                    .Accept = 579728
                    .Username = Username
                    .Password = Password
                    .Product = Product
                    .Server = Server
                    .CDKey = CDKey
                    .HomeChannel = Home
                End With
            End Sub

            Public Sub Connect()
                chat.InnerHTML = "HTML Webbot by InsaneJoey[e2] loaded."
                chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & "Thanks to Cuphead[vL] for CSB."
            End Sub

        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="BnetConnected">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & "[BNCS] Connected!"
        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="BnetConnecting">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & "[BNCS] Connecting.."
        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="BnetDisconnected">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & "[BNCS] Disconnected!"

        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="BnetError">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & "[BNCS] Error " & ErrorNumber & ": " & Description & "."
        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="BNLSAuthEvent">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & IIf(Success, "[BNLS] Authorized!", "[BNLS] Auth failed!")
        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="BNLSConnected">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & "[BNLS] Connected!"
        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="BNLSConnecting">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & "[BNLS] Connecting.."

        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="BNLSDataError">
            Select Case Message
                Case Else
                    chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & "[BNLS] Data Error: Unhandled Byte -- " & Message & "."
            End Select
        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="BNLSError">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & "[BNLS] Error " & ErrorNumber & ": " & Description & "."
        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="JoinedChannel">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & "[BNCS] Joined Channel " & ChanelName & "."
        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="LoggedOnAs">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & "[BNCS] Logged on as " & Username & " using " & Product & "."

        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="LogonEvent">
            Select Case Message
                Case Else
                    chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & "[BNCS] Logon Event: Unhandled Byte -- " & Message & "."
            End Select
        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="News">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & "[BNCS] News: " & News
        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="ServerError">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & "[BNCS] Error: " & Message
        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="ServerInfo">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & "[BNCS] Info: " & Message
        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="UserEmote">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & Username & " (Emote): " & Message
        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="UserInChannel">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & Username & " is in the channel using " & Product & " with a ping of " & Ping & "."
        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="UserJoins">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & Username & " has joined the channel using " & Product & "."
        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="UserLeaves">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & Username & " has left the channel."

        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="UserTalk">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & Username & ": " & Message
        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="VersionCheck">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & "[BNLS] Version Check: Unhandled Byte -- " & Message & ". ExtraInfo: " & ExtraInfo
        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="WhisperFromUser">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & Username & " (Whisper): " & Message
        <script language="VBScript" for="CSB" event="WhisperToUser">
            chat.InnerHTML = chat.InnerHTML & "<br>" & "You whisper to " & Username & ": " & Message


someone get this uploaded or take a SS of it working.. i would like to see it (i tried using it on my webspace and i went to IE but it blocked ActiveX for some reason..)


Quote from: zeth369 on February 26, 2005, 03:06 PM
someone get this uploaded or take a SS of it working.. i would like to see it (i tried using it on my webspace and i went to IE but it blocked ActiveX for some reason..)

Then allow IE to run ActiveX controls?