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Packet 0x26 Help

Started by Spilled, February 15, 2005, 10:08 AM

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        Case &H26
            Dim ProfileSplt() As String
            Dim Current As String
            Dim Info() As String
                ProfileSplt = Split(strData, "spilled[dw]", 2)
                ProfileSplt(1) = Left(ProfileSplt(1), Len(ProfileSplt(1)) - 1) 'Removes
                ProfileSplt(1) = Right(ProfileSplt(1), Len(ProfileSplt(1)) - 1)
                Info = Split(ProfileSplt(1), " ", 2)
                Current = modFunctions.FTtoST(Info(0), Info(1))

Still getting a byref error and wheni use the val function to convert still overflowing. Ideas anyone?

Edit: Its overflowing before it gets to the function, i try passign it as info(0) and info(1) cuz thats the splits and its a byreg error Mismath so i use the val function to convert it and it overflows before i pass the value onto the function... so somehow i need to pass it without it overflowing... ideas?


It's overflowing because you're putting too much of something into another thing which can't hold that much.  In this case, you're putting too large of a number into a variable which can't hold that big of a number.  If you don't understand that, then this should be a good enough example:  You're trying to put a liter of water into an empty container which is designed to hold a pint.  Guess what, it'll overflow


Just like to say i got it working and thanks to everyone that helped me i really appreciate it, now gonna go and work on parsing multiple keys, thank you once again


Nice, well done, good job :)