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ListView Order?

Started by Vernors, January 28, 2005, 10:17 PM

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I was wondering how I would make it so ops are the top and it went as in the order as they joined the channel, I have tried everything and could not get it to work. Is there anything special I have to do to make my listview order them in this order?


Simply set the index of the item to the position you want (zero-based) in your LVITEM struct with the iItem member, then use LVM_INSERTITEM to insert the item into the listview like you normally do


First, check if they are an operator (using bitwise functions on their flags). If they are, then insert them in the highest visible position (usually ends up being position zero).
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
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I can write programs. Can you right them?



Thank you both, I now have it working I love this forum I always get all my problems solved. If I run into any others I will post them here, that is if you guys want to hear them. Lol


By the way, by bitwise functions, he means..
If Flags and 2 Then
replacing 2 with the apropriate value.
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.