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[Python] ParseData Question

Started by Yegg, January 19, 2005, 03:22 PM

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I have a quick question about this ParseData code. It prints out the stuff like 1005 TALK Yegg "Hello.". It does the USER, WHISPER, all that stuff. I can't figure out what is creating this text, here is the code:
def event_user(username):
    print username+"is currently in the channel."
def event_join(username):
    print username+" has just joined the channel."
def event_leave(username):
    print username+" has just left the channel."
def event_recvwhisper(username, message):
    print "<From: "+username+"> "+message
def event_talk(username, message):
    print "<"+username+"> "+message
def event_broadcast(message):
    print message
def event_channel(channel):
    print "You have joined channel: "+channel
def event_flags(args, string_args):
def event_sendwhisper(username, message):
    print "<To: "+username+"> "+message
def event_channelfull(message):
    print "That channel is full."
def event_channelnotexist(message):
    print "That channel does not exist."
def event_channelrestricted(message):
    print "That channel is restricted."
def event_info(message):
    print message
def event_error(message):
    print message
def event_emote(username, message):
    print "<"+username+" "+message+">"
def event_name(username):
def event_unknown(error):
    print error
event_handlers = {
    1001: event_user,
    1002: event_join,
    1003: event_leave,
    1004: event_recvwhisper,
    1005: event_talk,
    1006: event_broadcast,
    1007: event_channel,
    1009: event_flags,
    1010: event_sendwhisper,
    1013: event_channelfull,
    1014: event_channelnotexist,
    1015: event_channelrestricted,
    1016: event_info,
    1018: event_info,
    1019: event_error,
    1023: event_emote,
    2010: event_name,
    3000: event_info,
def handle_event(d):
       if d.find('"') > -1:
           string_arg = d[d.find('"')+1:d.rfind('"')]
           string_arg = ""
       args = d.split(" ")
       event_handlers[int(args[0])](args, string_arg)
    parse_data = lambda d: map(handle_event, d.split("\r\n"))
    print traceback.print_exc()

I tried doing print "4fghfddf" under parse_data = lambda d: map(handle_event, d.split("\r\n")) and event_handlers[int(args[0])](args, string_arg) but nothing seems to happen. The bot has,
while True:

in the code, I know this is what brings up the messages but it takes it to parse_data, then where does it go? Also, I can't figure out how to get rid of the 1005 WHISPER Yegg "test......." kind of stuff. The bot doesn't seem to get to event_handlers. Thanks.