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Bnet Error

Started by Vernors, January 23, 2005, 01:47 AM

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What does "BNET: Error - 11004 - Valid name, no data record of requested type" mean exactly? That is all I am getting while trying to connect the bot I made I have filled out all the information and have done the config and I still cannot connect any reason on why I would get this error?


Knowing absolutely nothing about what you're trying to do or what exactly you're working on, I believe that the DNS resolution found the name of the server you were trying to resolve in its database, but did not find a corresponding IP address.
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


I think I've received that same message when I tried to connect on EternalChat when the internet was off or I was ipbanned.I can't remember why it came up exactly.


Sorry to have bothered you guys, I got the problem fixed. I am making a battlenet bot and my problem was I was filling out the config information but I had alot of the subs wrong in the form so they didn't actually save from the config so when I tried to connect my bot was connecting to nothing at all. It did not have a bnet server to read from the config therefore connecting to BNLS and 'trying' to connect to bnet on a false server.


Lol, and it's always something obvious that causes the problems.


To expand on Myndfyre's statement, that seems to occur when you query a name which exists, but has no associated A record (though it might have other types of records, such as an MX record).  After rechecking the host table RFC, I consider it a bug in the hostname resolution library that it returned that error.  The empty string is not a valid name.  Excerpt of the relevant pieces (emphasis mine):

QuoteA "name" (Net, Host, Gateway, or Domain name) is a text string up
    to 24 characters drawn from the alphabet (A-Z), digits (0-9), minus sign (-), and period (.). Note that periods are only allowed when they serve to delimit components of "domain style names". (See RFC-921, "Domain Name System Implementation Schedule", for background). No blank or space characters are permitted as part of a name. No distinction is made between upper and lower case. The first character must be an alpha character.

QuoteA Parsing grammar

      <entry> ::= <keyword> ":" <addresses> ":" <names> [":" [<cputype>]
         [":" [<opsys>]  [":" [<protocol list>] ]]] ":"
      <addresses> ::= <address> *["," <address>]
      <address> ::= <octet> "." <octet> "." <octet> "." <octet>
      <octet> ::= <0 to 255 decimal>
      <names> ::= <netname> | <gatename> | <domainname> *[","
         | <official hostname> *["," <nicknames>]
      <netname>  ::= <name>
      <gatename> ::= <hname>
      <domainname> ::= <hname>
      <official hostname> ::= <hname>
      <nickname> ::= <hname>
      <protocol list> ::= <protocol spec> *["," <protocol spec>]
      <protocol spec> ::= <transport name> "/" <service name>
         | <raw protocol name>

   B. Lexical grammar

      <entry-field> ::= <entry-text> [<cr><lf> <blank> <entry-field>]
      <entry-text>  ::= <print-char> *<text>
      <blank> ::= <space-or-tab> [<blank>]
      <keyword> ::= NET | GATEWAY | HOST | DOMAIN
      <hname> ::= <name>*["."<name>]
      <name>  ::= <let>[*[<let-or-digit-or-hyphen>]<let-or-digit>]

      <cputype> ::= PDP-11/70 | DEC-1080 | C/30 | CDC-6400...etc.
      <opsys>   ::= ITS | MULTICS | TOPS20 | UNIX...etc.
      <transport name> ::= TCP | NCP | UDP | IP...etc.
      <service name> ::= TELNET | FTP | SMTP | MTP...etc.
      <raw protocol name> ::= <name>
      <comment> ::= ";" <text><cr><lf>
      <text>    ::= *[<print-char> | <blank>]
      <print-char>  ::= <any printing char (not space or tab)>

Obviously, the hostname must have at least one alpha character in its name.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!