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Flaming, Insults, etc.

Started by Grok, March 17, 2003, 09:28 AM

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If the personal flaming doesn't stop, I'm going to have to learn PHP and edit this YaBBB board's code such that you cannot post until you are registered and authorized by a moderator.

Doing so would be very much against my beliefs and what I want for these forums, but I'm not going to put up with people putting each other down.

I've got some news for you all.  99% of you that think you know something are wrong.  Spend five years in college or the same amount of time in the industry, studying all the while, and then you can say you have a clue.  Although even doing that won't give you one.

Being able to write a simple program like a binary bot is a trivial feat compared to what you will have to do in the real world.  Constantly changing requirements, stiff deadlines, nonexistent budgets, stupid worthless meetings interrupting your work, the list of obstacles goes on forever.  Hell, many times you have to write a program for a user group that doesn't even know what they want, but they want it next week, that much they're sure of.

So since you're all clueless, just shut the fuck up with the flaming or I'll have to learn enough PHP to modify YaBB source code to require user authorization to post.  If you've continued the flaming after today, then you won't be authorized in the future.  Yeh, I know, you're so broken up over it.

You're all our guests and if you're here to share or learn, that's great, we probably want you here.  For now, the current YaBB code prevents me from doing anything about your flaming and insults, but keep it up and I just might be motivated enough to make the appropriate changes.

Grok Has Spoken.