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FinReactor Busted

Started by hismajesty, December 14, 2004, 04:05 PM

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QuoteFinnish authorities have today seized the computers of the administrators of Finnish site Finreactor which was one of the largest sites in Finland listing links to copyrighted materials in BitTorrent network.

According to sources, National Bureau of Investigation (Keskusrikospoliisi) raided the admins' homes today and seized all the computer equipment and storage media for further investigation, but released the suspects shortly after the raid. The site itself has been down since early hours of today. Site had over 37,000 registered members and had links to more than 6,000 pirated releases on BitTorrent network. Additionally, the forums of the site boasted a large number of links to releases in other P2P networks, most notably in eDonkey network.

Apparently the NBI acted after it received a request from Finnish copyright associations, including the BSA and Teosto (the Finnish equivalent of RIAA).

Source: http://www.afterdawn.com/news/archive/5878.cfm

hehe: (Doubt this is real)


the building looks really out of place


yea it looks like a consession stand for pepsi in the middle of no where ;)
Left here since creation...
Forgotten in the river of time...


The picture is obviously fake, since it DID say they raided the house of the admins. I just thought it was a nice touch.


Add to this ShareReactor, ShareConnector, Youceff, and probably others.  There's also at least one other site that took their own stuff down, just because of these sudden hits.