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More BNET/BNLS troubles!

Started by R.a.B.B.i.T, December 07, 2004, 10:29 PM

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BNET and BNLS do NOT want to work for me this month,  I am having a problem with 0x51 :\
0x51 with Warcraft III gets me an invalid version return:
QuoteBNCS C>S: 0x51
0000:  FF 51
0040:  2E 65 78 65 20 30 39 2F 31 35 2F 30 34 20 32 32   .exe 09/15/04 22
0050:  3A 34 32 3A 31 36 20 31 35 36 38 32 31 31 00 52   :42:16 1568211.R
0060:  2E 61 2E 42 2E 42 2E 69 2E 54 00                  .a.B.B.i.T......
BNCS S>C: 0x51
0000:  FF 51 09 00 01 01 00 00 00                        ÿQ............
I know this works, since I get past 0x51 when using BNLS with Brood War, so that leaves me to believe that it's not giving me the right values, or something.


Are you supplying correct version code?  Are you setting the correct logon version?


Result of 0x0101 is an invalid game version, and that's caused because (at least partly) by the incorrect file size for War3.exe.  405504 bytes is the correct file size, since the file used for the version string is a War3.exe that's embedded in the War3.exe that's 1568211 bytes.

Does that make any sense?  It's kinda late, and my mind isn't completely on board with the whole explaining things process at the moment.


Quote from: EpicOfTimeWasted on December 08, 2004, 12:34 AM
Result of 0x0101 is an invalid game version, and that's caused because (at least partly) by the incorrect file size for War3.exe.  405504 bytes is the correct file size, since the file used for the version string is a War3.exe that's embedded in the War3.exe that's 1568211 bytes.

Does that make any sense?  It's kinda late, and my mind isn't completely on board with the whole explaining things process at the moment.
0060  77 61 72 33 2E 65 78 65 20 30 39 2F 31 35 2F 30    war3.exe 09/15/0
0070  34 20 32 32 3A 34 32 3A 31 36 20 31 35 36 38 32    4 22:42:16 15682
0080  31 31 00 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 00       11.XXXXXXXXXXX.

0000:  FF 51 09 00 00 00 00 00 00                        ÿQ..............

It's posible that he is not sending the proper version byte in 0x50, his dump looks fine.
Note: To the thread author remove your hashed key data befor somone uses it ;p


I'm using 0x11 for the version byte, which is the one I receive from BNLS.

Using BNCSMon, which I just got working, I saw that 0x50 was not actually inserting the version byte.  This is fixed, however I still get IPBanned on 0x53 send.