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Started by Networks, December 07, 2004, 05:15 PM

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I understand the basic principles of creating a plugin using ActiveX dll however I don't understand how to put them into an array or at least to find others in a directory and load them. Any help?


I wrote a whole bunch of Java code for that today, which can load them locally or from a remote server.  I can share if you'd like, maybe you can learn something from it.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I would love to see the info you have on it iago, Java or otherwise.

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damnit, I was hoping nobody would want to.  I'm not terribly proud of the code I have, it still needs work, but I just got it working today:

This is the interface that I force my plugins to implement:
package pluginmanagers;

import bot.PublicBot;

* Created on Dec 1, 2004
* By iago

/** Every plugin has to have a class called "PluginMain" in the default folder that implements this interface.  If it doesn't, then
* the plugin will fail to load.
* @author iago
public interface PluginInterface
    /** Called when the plugin is loaded (whenever it's detected) the first time.  You aren't allowed to make hooks at this point.  This
     * can be done when the plugin is Activated.
     * TODO: Make global hooks occur here. */
    public void load();

    /** Called when the plugin is enabled, or, if it's on by default, when the bot starts.  This is called once
     * for each running instance of the bot that's using it. */
    public void activate(PublicBot bot);
    /** Called when the plugin is disabled.  This includes when the instance is unloaded. */
    public void deactivate(PublicBot bot);
    /** Gets the friendly name for the plugin */
    public String getName();

This class is rather long, so I cut out the boring stuff.  Basically, it wraps around and calls all the plugins that could possibly be called.  I know there's gotta be a better way to do this, but I still can't think of one:
* Created on Dec 2, 2004
* By iago

/** This class will be available to all plugins.  Each bot will have exactly one instance, and when the bot loads a plugin it passes
* in its instance of this class, allowing the newly loaded plugin to register itself for these callbacks.
* Plugins register themselves in this, and when an event occurs that belongs to a plugin, this takes care of sending the event
* to the registered plugins.
* @author iago
public class PluginCallbacks
    private Vector botPlugins = new Vector();
    private Vector commandPlugins = new Vector();
    private Vector connectionPlugins = new Vector();
    private Vector errorPlugins = new Vector();
    private Vector eventPlugins = new Vector();
    private Vector incomingPacketPlugins = new Vector();
    private Vector outgoingPacketPlugins = new Vector();
    private Vector systemMessagePlugins = new Vector();
    private Vector userDatabasePlugins = new Vector();
    private Vector userErrorPlugins = new Vector();
    /** Register the command to receive commands.  This is when a user type .command in the channel.
     * @param callback The class that will be receiving this command.
     * @param name The name of the command is the command the user types, like "ban" or "kick", and may contain wildcards
     * like "ban.*" or "kick..".  It will, however, only be matched against the first word in user's command.
     * @param args The number of single-word arguments to match before taking the rest of the string.  For example, if you
     * wanted to write a .ban command, you could specify args = 1, then ".ban joe you suck" would match
     * .ban to the command name, joe to the first paramter, and the rest of the string to the other parameters.
     * If you want to write a .say command, specify "0", and you will only ever get a single long string.
     * If the user fails to use enough strings, a shorter array of args will be passed in, and should be handled
     * appropriately by the plugin.
    public void registerBotPlugin(BotCallback callback, Object data)
        botPlugins.add(new BotPlugin(callback, data));
    public void registerCommandPlugin(CommandCallback callback, String name, int args, boolean requiresOps, String help, Object data)
        commandPlugins.add(new CommandPlugin(callback, name, args, requiresOps, help, data));
    public void registerConnectionPlugin(ConnectionCallback callback, Object data)
        connectionPlugins.add(new ConnectionPlugin(callback, data));
    public void registerErrorPlugin(ErrorCallback callback, Object data)
        errorPlugins.add(new ErrorPlugin(callback, data));
    public void registerEventPlugin(EventCallback callback, byte event, Object data)
        eventPlugins.add(new EventPlugin(callback, event, data));
    public void registerIncomingPacketPlugin(PacketCallback callback, byte packet, Object data)
        incomingPacketPlugins.add(new PacketPlugin(callback, packet, data));
    public void registerOutgoingPacketPlugin(PacketCallback callback, byte packet, Object data)
        outgoingPacketPlugins.add(new PacketPlugin(callback, packet, data));
    public void registerSystemMessagePlugin(SystemMessageCallback callback, int minLevel, int maxLevel, Object data)
        //System.out.println("   ----> REGISTERING SYSTEM MESSAGE CALLBACK");
        systemMessagePlugins.add(new SystemMessagePlugin(callback, minLevel, maxLevel, data));
    public void registerUserDatabasePlugin(UserDatabaseCallback callback, Object data)
        userDatabasePlugins.add(new UserDatabasePlugin(callback, data));
    public void registerUserErrorPlugin(UserErrorCallback callback, Object data)
        userErrorPlugins.add(new UserErrorPlugin(callback, data));
// Bot callbacks
    /** This is called as soon as the instance of the bot is started.*/
    public void botInstanceStarting(PublicBot out)
        Enumeration e = botPlugins.elements();
            BotPlugin plugin = (BotPlugin)e.nextElement();
            ((BotCallback)plugin.getCallback()).botInstanceStarting(out, plugin.getData());
    /** This is called when the instance of the bot is ending */
    public void botInstanceStopping(PublicBot out)
        Enumeration e = botPlugins.elements();
            BotPlugin plugin = (BotPlugin)e.nextElement();
            ((BotCallback)plugin.getCallback()).botInstanceStopping(out, plugin.getData());

...........[lots more functions that look like those 2]

And finally, this is the code I wrote today.  It loads the plugins from the given paths (it recursively searches directories for .jar files, and it also can load them from a proper url (http://..).  It can then activate/deactivate the plugin for any instance of the bot.
* Created on Dec 1, 2004
* By iago

/** There will be once instance of this class for each bot instance running.  The initializePlugins() function should be called
*  exactly once when the bot starts, and it should be passed the paths to search for plugins.  An instance of this should be
*  passed to each of the bots (or it should be created by a bot for itself, perhaps), where loadPlugin and unloadPlugin can be called.
* @author iago
public class PluginManager
    private static Hashtable allPlugins;
    private static Hashtable activePlugins;
    /** searchPaths is a Vector of File's */
    public static void initializePlugins(Vector searchPaths)
        allPlugins = new Hashtable();
        activePlugins = new Hashtable();
        for(int i = 0; i < searchPaths.size(); i++)
            if(searchPaths.get(i) instanceof File)
                loadFile((File) searchPaths.get(i));
    private static void loadFile(File f)
            File []files = f.listFiles();
            for(int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
        else if(f.getName().matches(".*\\.jar"))
            loadFile("file://" + f.getAbsolutePath());
    private static void loadFile(String url)
            //System.out.println("Trying to load file: " + url);
            loadFile(new URL(url));
        catch(MalformedURLException e)
                //System.out.println("--> Failed, trying to load file: file://" + url);
                loadFile(new URL("file://" + url));
            catch(MalformedURLException e2)
                System.err.println("--> Unable to load plugin: " + url);
    private static void loadFile(URL url)
            System.out.println("Loading plugin: " + url);
        URL[] urls = { url };
        URLClassLoader ucl = new URLClassLoader(urls);
        Class cl = ucl.loadClass("PluginMain");
        PluginInterface plugin = (PluginInterface) cl.newInstance();
        if(plugin.getName() == null)
            System.err.println("Error loading class: the plugin's name is set to null.  Aborting its load.");
        else if(allPlugins.get(plugin.getName()) != null)
            System.err.println("Plugin conflict: Plugin \"" + plugin.getName() + "\" already exists.  If this is because it's included in your list " +
                    "twice, then disregard this message.  Otherwise, one of the plugins needs a different name.  Aborting load.");
            allPlugins.put(plugin.getName(), plugin);
        catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
            System.out.println("   --> Load failed.");
        catch(Exception e)
            System.out.println("Unable to load plugin file: " + url);
    public static Vector getPluginList()
        Vector v = new Vector();
        Enumeration e = allPlugins.keys();
        return v;
    /** This loads a plugin into memory for the current instance, calling the plugin's activate() function
     * TODO: Throw an exception if the plugin isn't found */
    public static boolean activatePlugin(String name, PublicBot bot)
        PluginInterface plugin = (PluginInterface) allPlugins.get(name);
        if(plugin == null)
            return false;
        activePlugins.put(name, bot);
        return true;
    /** This unloads a plugin from memory for the current instance, calling the plugin's deactivate() function
     * TODO: Throw an exception if the plugin isn't found.
     * TODO: Make it possible to unregister plugins */
    public static boolean deactivatePlugin(String name, PublicBot bot)
        PluginInterface plugin = (PluginInterface) activePlugins.get(name);
        if(plugin == null)
            return false;
        return true;


Hope this helps out a little or at least gives you SOME idea. 
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV: