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Any College Students ...

Started by NicoQwertyu, December 02, 2004, 10:34 PM

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As a project for Psychology, I need to find a couple people that have graduated from high school within the past 3-4 years, and interview them.  If there's any one that has recently graduated from high school and can answer these questions, I'd really appreciate it.

- What's your real name? (optional)

- Do you still see many friends from your high school?
- What was the biggest adjustment you had to make after high school?
- What would you change about your high school years if you could?
- What kinds of things get you down?
- What worries you the most about the future?
- Do you regret the way you spent your time in high school?
- What is the main difference between high school and college for you?

If you can't think of a good answer for some of them, just don't answer it.  Some responses for this paper are better than none.  TIA.


- Mark
- Yes
- College/Living away from home
- Family health problems, bad grades
- Getting a job in the computer gaming industry
- College is much more open, a lot more freedom and responsibility.


1 What's your real name? (optional)

2 Do you still see many friends from your high school?
3 What was the biggest adjustment you had to make after high school?
4 What would you change about your high school years if you could?
5 What kinds of things get you down?
6 What worries you the most about the future?
7 Do you regret the way you spent your time in high school?
8 What is the main difference between high school and college for you?

1. David
2. Yes i do infact probably everyday at college.
3. Actually doing my school work for college.
4. I would actually be involved in highschool i hated it but now i miss it.
5. Woman confused me alot but im not alone on this.
6. What will i become where will i live.
7. Yes i do regret it and i wish i can change it now.
8. The teachers, see in highschool they dont get paid alot so they are always annoyed at kids. In college they have freedom to do what they want.
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea


Talk to me on AIM tonight, I'll answer.

<edit> or if you're too excited, email me during the day @ [email protected] :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV: