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Started by Yegg, November 17, 2004, 02:19 PM

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Quote from: Yegg on November 18, 2004, 02:56 PM
so if i changed the proper code i could create accounts using checkrevision.dll and hash.dll and not needing bnetauth.dll?
also, do u know the proper code i need for creating accounts?

You don't seem to grasp the concept: it does not matter what you use to creating the version hash! You don't use checkrevision.dll or bnetauth.dll to create accounts, you just use the proper packet and packet structure to do it. I believe bnetdocs has a well documented and informative section on the create account packet.



I beleave you do not under stand him, He I beleave, Is talking about the function you use to hash the password when making an account. The password must be hashed, And it must be done correctly or it will result in 1) creation failure 2) created with wrong password.
And You could prolly use Hash.dll for this, but I would HIGHLY recommened changeing the few function that you have using the two .dlls and switch to BnetAuth.dll

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Well, i was thinking about changing to bnetauth.dll which i might end of doing, but I just can't seem to figure out the proper create account code. Im gonna go check the battle.net documents and see if that helps at all.


If you know the language and went to the link I posted, you should have no problem. BTW, why did you say "im gonna go to bnet docs and check it out"? I posted the direct link right on front of you!

Edit: I'd be more than happy to help as long as you posted your problems/inquiries here. [Try and make them as detailed as possible]


I said i was going to go to bnetdocs right now because you gave me the link to go there. When I went there, i went to SID_CREATEACCOUNT and it shows that packet, direction, and format. My only problem is that im not sure how to set up this code. Im planning on continuing to use CheckRevision.dll and Hash.dll, but under Public Sub parsep(ByVal Data As String) where I have
  Case &H29
     If Mid(Data, 5, 1) = Chr(1) Then
            AddChat "Passed!" & vbNewLine, vbGreen
            Connected = True
pbuffer.InsertNTString varUser
pbuffer.InsertBYTE 0
pbuffer.SendPacket &HA
pbuffer.InsertDWORD 2
pbuffer.InsertNTString VarHome
pbuffer.SendPacket &HC
            AddChat "Failed!" & vbNewLine, vbRed
            End If

do I send the packets right after AddChat "Failed!" or does it go somewhere else?
And i also need the proper code to send. Sorry if I'm taking up your time.


Yegg, do you auctually know the language you are attempting to program in? It would appear to me that you have absolutly no clue as to what you are doing...


i know a lot of the language its just that the battle.net packets r confusing me.


It looks to me like you are using DarkMinion's packet buffer class. While this is perfectly OK it being open source, you should learn exactly what it does first before using its functions. The purpose of the class is to create a buffer - or a sort of in-between "container" for the data. The functions add data into this container, like picking up different items off of a floor and putting it inside a box. The different functions would be like using different methods to pick items up off the floor. Entire hand for a larger object, two fingers for a small object, two hands for a very large object, etc. The data sent through these functions is represented by the different objects you pick up off the floor, and then they are added to the box - buffer. You then take this newly made buffer and send it on its way to Battle.net. Kind of like picking up the container and carrying it downstairs.
Now, this being said, when all of the packet buffer adding functions are done - i.e. you're done picking things up off the floor and they're all in the box - you then prepare to send the box away. This is when you add the function to send the data - right after you're done filling the box.

Hope that helps, :p

[EDIT: Fixed grammar and forgot-to-proofread mistakes]