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Slight Bot Disconnection Problem

Started by iNsAnE-MS, October 13, 2004, 12:16 AM

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Um, I guess let me give a little background information... I'm an Archmage and botmaster for a USEast Diablo 2 clan called Mystic Shadows. The bot I'm using is a custom combination info/mod bot which I wrote specifically for this clan, and I started writing it probably almost 2 years ago. The bot wasn't being used for about 6 months, but a month ago I brought the bot back online again, and it seems every so often battle.net disconnects me for apparently no reason. I'm not sure why... I have a Keep-Alive function to keep battle.net from disconnecting me set to send '/whoami' every 15 minutes and an anti-flood mechanism (2030ms per packet + 15ms per byte) that rarely ever lets me down, but it just seems that after long periods of being connected Battle.Net disconnects me. Is that normal?


That keepalive is probably too much, but paranoid is better than getting banned.

I think the original game client sends SID_NULL to the server every minute or so, and doesn't send any other kind of anti-idle  That seems to work well for me.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:

Soul Taker

The original client sends ad banner requests every fifteen seconds or so also.