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Started by ColT, September 28, 2004, 05:35 PM

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Quote from: MyndFyre on September 30, 2004, 08:48 PM
Quote from: ColT on September 30, 2004, 06:06 PM
Can someone help me write the Function for Send 0x50. My Aim is:Heyscrwy Thanks

Sub Send0x50

WinSock1.Send &H50

End Sub

Wow... If it were only that easy... (its pretty close to that but meh)
Mitosis: Haha, Im great arent I!
hismajesty[yL]: No


Quote from: Kk)Blaze(kK on October 03, 2004, 03:41 PM
Quote from: MyndFyre on September 30, 2004, 08:48 PM
Quote from: ColT on September 30, 2004, 06:06 PM
Can someone help me write the Function for Send 0x50. My Aim is:Heyscrwy Thanks

Sub Send0x50

WinSock1.Send &H50

End Sub

Wow... If it were only that easy... (its pretty close to that but meh)

It IS that easy. It does exactly what the man asked for: A routine to send 50h.